“Sometimes When I’m Sad” is a sensitive and supportive story to help young children recognize and cope with sadness. Written by psychologist, Deborah Serani, Psy.D. and illustrated by Kyra Teis, this award-winning children’s book is also an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, caregivers and other mental health professionals. “Sometimes When I’m Sad” has been endorsed by Jo Frost, The Supernanny and pediatric depression expert ,Dr. Joan Luby.
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While this book was intended for children, parents can significantly benefit from the last portion of the story. Deborah Serani, Psy.D. gives insightful clues on “How To Spot Sadness In Children of Various Ages,” “Ways To Reduce Sadness In Children,” “When To Seek Professional Help,” and “Resources For More Information And Support.” In the last-mentioned section, there are websites and helpline numbers.
When your child is feeling sad, I encourage you to share this story with them. Use the powerful images created by Kyra Teis and ask if they ever feel sad and, if so, how do they handle it.
Sometimes When I’m Sad would be a beneficial tool for child therapists, counselors, or social workers.
In conclusion, the story is simple to understand and read, so it’s a perfect fit for young readers — whether they are currently experiencing sadness or not.
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
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