Welcome, Houston Havens!!
1. For those who might not be familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?
(Houston) I’ve always been a writer at heart…but I feel I got my “real” start in the business when I had
an unexpected meeting with Acquisitions Editor Tracy Farrell at Harlequin. I wasn’t a Harlequin kind of writer, but I pitched her because a friend told me too. I was surprised when Mrs. Farrell asked for the first three chapters of my book. So, naturally I sent them. As expected, she sent me a rejection letter, but it’s what she said that gave me the “start” I needed, and made me the writer I am today.
Her words told me what I as an unpublished writer needed to know…it’s the day I became an AUTHOR in my mind, not just a writer. Mrs. Farrell’s letter said, “I will say that I never encourage any writer whom I don’t think has talent…keep writing.”
In my mind, this was my “start” as an author. I’ll forever be grateful to Mrs. Tracy Farrell. I will say, even after my first book – Sinful Surrender hit bestseller 6 days after it was released…I didn’t FEEL like an author until I held a print copy in my hands…
2. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.
(Houston) I write through it, even when I know I’ll delete everything I wrote and go in another direction the next day…somewhere in what I write I find the crumb I need to see where the story needs to go. When that fails I talk it through with my friend Elaine and she suggests where she thinks I should be going…and
she’s usually right. ;-D
3. Contrary to what some people envision about a romance writer’s life, it’s not all glitz and glam. Well not for the majority of us. With that bubble sadly busted, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
(Houston) LOL…when I’m not writing I’m sleeping for those four or five hours, then I get back up and start work (writing).
4. I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?
(Houston) Everyone knows I write and what genre’s I write…all are very encouraging.
5. Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.
(Houston) OMG this is like thanking people at the Oscar awards and if you don’t say someone’s name or mention it at the top of your thank you list they get insulted – so I’m going to keep my favorite authors to myself. That said, I will tell you the last book I read and really enjoyed was by Kayelle Allen she’ll be releasing that book soon…and you’ll love it!
6. If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love see casted in the parts?
(Houston) I would love to see my book Sinful Surrender Book one of the Psychic Menage Series on the big screen…because of the many worlds within the story, it would make an awesome film…many of my reviewers have said the same thing. It’s a very visual world I’ve created. Each book introduces the reader to
another one of the worlds.
7. Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I swear it’ll go no further.
(Houston) Ok *leaning in to whisper* I’ve got a box set book coming out soon but because I had to leave the sex scenes out I’m not telling anyone that it’s a book that’s connected to my Psychic Menage series….it’s about the very beginning and how the world in the Psychic Menage series came to be. Once it’s out of the box set,
I’ll add the sex scenes and Promo it as such. *Leans back up for everyone else to hear*. I’m working on book five of the Psychic Menage series and a box set book. * {:-D *
8. Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?
(Houston) You can find them at Amazon, CreateSpace, and Goodreads
Print books can be bought at https://www.createspace.com/
The reading order of my Psychic Menage Series is:
9. Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?
10. Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.
(Houston) I’d tell those who haven’t read any of my books not to hesitate to give me a try. Don’t be put off by the genre(s) this series is listed under because this story can’t really fall under any true genre…I’ve had many reviewers who weren’t looking forward to reading this “scifi” series as there were those who didn’t want to read “another” menage…each of them were surprised by this series and glad they read my books, because I’ve done
something very different then what you’ll find in any of these genre…so, dare to give me a try.
If anyone would like to keep track of what I’m doing they can join my VIP Lounge new members will get two free book for becoming members. Here is the link for that. http://houstonhavens.com/vip/
Thank you Kam for the interview. I hope your readers enjoyed our time together, I know I did.
Ladies and Gents, I hope you enjoyed my interview with Houston Havens. If you have any questions or comments for Houston Havens, by all means, leave her a message below. Thank you in advance for your visit!
However before you do, keep scrolling to check out my review of “Sinful Surrender” and a glimpse into the rest of the Psychic Menage series.
Top psychic spy Fay Avalon saw too much on her latest mind traveling mission and is now on the run from her post-catastrophic dystopian government, searching for the truth and proof. She escapes but is shot down, landing in the arms of the enemy.
In Drakker and Arlo’s world, women are so rare the men have accepted a polyandrous lifestyle. When the brothers stumble upon Fay unconscious in the wreckage of an aircraft, they are immediately attracted to her. Arlo wants to keep her, but Drakker knows they can’t. They must take her to their brother Logan Abán, leader of their people.
Logan struggles with trusting anyone, even himself. When a beautiful, intelligent, and intriguing woman falls into their laps, his denied desires for intimacy challenge his need to trust the spy. He’s frustrated by romantic Arlo’s claims of her innocence. When pragmatic and dominating Drakker defends her as well, Logan refuses to trust his gut.
Can one woman satisfy the diverse desires of three men? Will Logan’s fears be realized by betrayal? Is Fay to be sentenced to death as a spy, suffer a fate worse than death by being returned to her government as a traitor, or will she find a new life and love as the wife of three sexy brothers?
(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)
First, I want to note you shouldn’t bypass the prologue because I think the terminology is most beneficial to the reader. Don’t fret if you can’t remember it all — consider it a cheat sheet and peek at it as often as you like. 🙂
Now onto my critique…..
Before Sinful Surrender, I admit, I never before heard of Houston Havens. Man, I was missing out on one fabulous, kinky, multi-layered author. I say multi-layered because she had the ability to bring the heat, in and off the battlefield. What I wouldn’t give for a designer to help bring certain aspects of SS to life. For me, this book was a combination of Terminator (robots – battles), Divergent/Insurgent (different class of people), and 50 Shades of Grey – if 50 Shades was about 1000 times kinkier. Maybe a million. Sorry E.L. James but, between you and HH, Houston wins the “Panty Pleasing” award. 😉
Now about that kinkery……
Fay had sex (made love) to the three men together, two at a time, and then one-on-one.
When it was just her and Drakker or her and Drakker/Logan, they were in a parallel reality. Basically, it’s a no-holds bar, anything goes arena. And folks, anything and everything happened there. Truth be told, Fay wasn’t the only one who needed to cool off. I was feeling rather hot and bothered, too.
I must note I did have one issue with the parallel reality scenes. I didn’t mind what they did there. No, that was hot as hell. However, I had issue with her use of the word “boobies” — in each heated encounter. For me, when you are using X-rated word choices such as cock and pussy, boobies seems like an adolescent word choice. IMHO, breasts would’ve made a better choice.
Speaking of breasts…..
Arlo, Logan, and Drakker really stepped up their game when Fay was ashamed/sickened by her scars. They proved to her it’s not what’s on the outside that matters, it’s a person’s heart – their character – their courage that define them. Fay, she was the ultimate heroine. A most memorable character!
Heart Rating System – 1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)

Mind traveler Chandra Lamar is on the run, not only from her post-catastrophic dystopian government but from a past she can’t remember. A psychic vision pushes her to recall her purpose for being, but it’s a ghost that awakens her desires for a life she fears she’ll never have. Both push her to remember the past because it threatens what she wants in the now; the Nodin men.
Andonis Nodin battles to accept his failures. The heavy burden nearly breaks him when he can’t save a loved one from the grim reaper’s grip and questions his desire for Chandra, the woman he blames for the death around him.
Nikias finds true love with Chandra in his arms, but is desperate to stop her from seeking revenge on a mission he knows is a one way trip.
Ortello knows for them to recapture the love they once felt for each other, he must be willing to let her go. But overcoming his obsession to make Chandra his and his alone isn’t easy.
Will Chandra go through with the vengeance in her heart or give it up for love? Who is the powerful woman in her haunting visions and will those revealing apparitions crumble her world with the Nodin clan? Does Chandra find true love in the arms of the Nodin men or does her Phantom Desire forever own her heart?

Daughter of the Dirt Dweller’s ruler; Tessla Reto attempts to escape the Underworld after the mysterious disappearance of her best friend. She knows her untimely death is also near if her father, Landen Reto discovers her part in forming the rebels to fight against him. The two men sent to help her get away are killed and she’s rescued by a handsome stranger…or is she?
Faerydae returns to Earth in search of an inner peace his soul can’t find after the death of his friend Chandra Lamar. Instead, he finds himself in an unplanned rescue of a woman that stirs everything he’s fought a lifetime to deny. Can Faerydae stay focused on his goal to expose his past and true Fae bloodline, or will destiny play her hand?
Shomar’s uncomplicated world is tossed asunder when his best friend, Faerydae, shows up with a stray puppy and a woman who steals the heart of his soul the moment he looks at her. Only to discover Faerydae and the woman claim they can’t stand each other, yet his intuition tells him otherwise. Will Shomar be able to win the woman of his dreams or will Faerydae always have her heart?
Will Tessla find her freedom? Will Faerydae keep his, or will Shomar succeed in his plan to expose them to their hidden ecstasy?

Kindise Wyatt escapes her Star Rider captor and returns to Earth. With the help of a sexy Old World Mole and his mysterious friend, she’s determined to uncover the whereabouts of her lover. Instead, she finds nothing but betrayal and her captor in pursuit.
On the lam after betraying his evil ruler, ex-Dirt Dweller and drifter Jaden Valenti confirms his name is on a hit list. Finding what he believes will be safety amongst the Airbornes, he recreates himself and hides his past until trouble walks back into his life in the name of Kindise Wyatt, the woman he was ordered to assassinate and didn’t.
Due to the obsessions of a Fae woman Sori gave up his hardearned royal title and left his homeland of Elfame. Love is the furthest thing from his mind until he is sent in Jaden’s place to pick-up some cargo…human cargo in the form Kindise Wyatt. He feels the Fae magnetism of his soulmate in her. Problem is; she’s in love with someone else.
Will Jaden fulfill his orders to kill Kindise and get his name removed from the list, or will his secret be exposed and betray the friendship he has with Sori? Does Sori help Kindise find her lover, or will a love between them have a chance to flourish before a fatal attraction and a determined captor rip their love asunder? Will Kindise find true love or will betrayals at every turn crush the fight out of her? Can she find her inner strengths to keep fighting and lead The Freedom Fighters to defeat the Dirt Dweller elites, once and for all?
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I love this series and a big fan of Houston Haven. Go girl.
So grab her book and enjoy it.
I love stalking her
Ten bucks says she'll be sporting one helluva smile after reading your comment.
Kam I stalk you too. LOL
Really love the books. i will start my own library soon. LOL
Hi Renee! So awesome to see you here…I've been in my writer's cave working on getting book five to you soon! You know I adore you!
Big Hugs
Kameron! Woohoo! Thank you, thank you for the wonderful review! Sorry I'm later on the comments I was having computer issues.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the book…I hope you feel the same way about the series! 😉 Hot and bothered! Tehehe
SyFy and menage…I'm hooked. 🙂
Well, my dear, then hop to it and use the purchase links above. 😉
Happy reading!!
Hi GE! Yes! Let me know what you think!
Kam…just so your readers and viewers know – Sinful Surrender is out under a new violet cover…the one posted for Sinful Surrender here in your post is the old (LSB Publisher's) cover. H.A.W.K. Publishing now has it under a sexier purple/violet cover….but it's the same book inside.
Waving to Houston 🙂 Shared this on social media. Great review!
Thank you!!
OMG The bestselling author Kayelle Allen of The Bringer of Chaos! The reviews is AWESOME! I'm glowing about it and catching up with you and all your fabulous reviews! One day I'll meet you at the top!
Once again, I'd like to thank you for the wonderful review and this awesome post. The past few days has been fun!
Big Hugs
You're a very talented writer and it was s true pleasure reading your work.
Until next time….