Tag Archives: action and adventure

Gladiator (The Arena Book 1) by Casey Lea (Book Spotlight)

One Arena. One Love. ONE DAY.

Happy-ever-after is never guaranteed but that’s the gladiator’s mission. It wasn’t his plan to fight to the death, but plans change. When Harvesters steal his wife, he tracks them down. The hunt takes all of his money and most of his self-control, but she’s worth it. He joins her as a slave forced to fight for his life without hesitation.

His wife is a deadly warrior, so it’s too bad she doesn’t know him. Memory stripped and struggling to survive she has no interest in the fool claiming to be her husband. He’s just another target standing between her and freedom, but not for long. She’ll take down anything and anyone in her way.

Can the gladiator live long enough to win his wife’s love? Unlikely. It’s the end of the season and the final day of fighting. They’re about to enter the Carnival of Death which leaves only a single survivor.

One of them must die.

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A Beginning

I want to tell you my story—or at least my part in a much larger story. It may seem sad, but like all of us, this story is a work in progress.

                                                                                           The Old Man’s Journal



The man standing in darkness had no idea who he was. That realization hit like a fist in the gut—folding him forward to rest his hands on his thighs. His head ached and dizziness came with the movement, tipping him to one side.

His shoulder collected a cliff face. He let the rough rock hold him in place while his fingers explored the pain in his temple. He found a sticky mass cutting across his brow. It felt like a furrow that was damp in the middle, but dry and crusted around the edge. When he lowered his hand to inspect his fingertips, they looked dark in the low light.

It took him a long slow minute to realize they were wet with blood. His blood.

The man sucked in a breath. He was shocked to be hurt, but not surprised. The wound explained his amnesia, although little more. Was he a fighter? A criminal? Someone who courted danger, or an innocent who’d suffered an unprovoked attack? More importantly, was he still at risk?

A careful step let him turn to brace his back against the wall.

Sweat coated his bare skin and he tasted bile when he tipped his head back to rest it against the cool rock face.

The stars above were strange.

He took a long breath and held it until his panic settled.

The confusion still made him dizzy, but he ignored it to look around, gathering information. It was night-time, with no sign of dawn or dusk on the horizon. His fingers drifted carefully across the cliff supporting him until they found a straight line of something more brittle than rock. It flaked away under his touch, and he realized it was mortar. He was leaning against a wall made of massive blocks.

They scraped the man’s bare shoulders, and he was suddenly aware of the chill night air against his uncovered skin. He looked down and was relieved to find he wasn’t naked. He was wearing a leather vest with a cloak thrown back over bare shoulders, and trousers with reassuringly solid boots beneath.

There was a matching wall opposite, across a rough path. He was standing in an alley that felt more like a gully. It fell away to angle down toward a cluster of lights in the distance.

Where the hell am I? he wondered and shrugged. He was jumping ahead, but questions were like that. They tended to stack up quickly. He needed to start at the bottom of the pile. He drew a deep breath, and his voice was surprisingly steady. “Who the hell am I?”

“Your gene tag identifies you as a gladiator. You are seeking work in the arena on the slave-trading planet Vertigo,” a warm female voice said beside him.

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Meet the Authors

Casey Lea is the pen name for a mother and daughter creative duo, dedicated to sharing their passion for all things sci-fi and fantastical.

A doting grandmother with too much time on her hands took the opportunity to put pen to paper.  Her older daughter kindly placed the resulting scribblings in one of those new-fangled so-called “computing machines” and a writing partnership was born.

The Lea (pronounced Lee) half of Casey Lea now spends her days wrestling with words and her memory while reading aloud to any cat careless enough to settle nearby. Daughter Casey edits the results while wrangling her adorable offspring.

After a decade on the rollercoaster ride of indie publishing their shared passion for epic love and grand adventure, spiced with advanced tech and ancient magic, remains undimmed.


You can find us at:

Sci-fi Fantasy Authors / Caseyleabooks.com
Casey Lea | Facebook
 Casey Lea (@CaseyLeaBooks) / Twitter

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The Daring Brothers: An Epic Adventure by Dr. Charan Surisetty (Book Review)

The Daring Brothers: An Epic Adventure is a heart-pumping tale of two brothers, Jack and Alex, who leave their mundane lives behind to pursue their dreams of adventure and fame. As they set out to conquer a treacherous mountain and uncover its long-lost treasures, the brothers face countless obstacles and challenges that test their courage and strength. Along the way, they meet talking animals and encounter breathtaking wonders that push them to their limits. With every step, the brothers prove that they are made of sterner stuff and are unafraid to take risks to achieve their goals. This epic adventure will capture the imagination of young readers and inspire them to chase their dreams with unbridled determination.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The Daring Brothers: An Epic Adventure is an exciting tale of courage and determination, perfect for young adventure seekers!

Jack and Alex long for adventure, fame, and fortune. Every day, they look up at the peak, towering over the village, and dream about climbing it. One day, they decided to make their dream a reality. They gathered up supplies and set off.

They knew their journey would pose challenges but were ready to face whatever came their way. They climbed steep cliffs and icy slopes. They battled harsh winds and frigid temps. With each step, they grew stronger. They persevered. 

Jack and Alex reached a point, a plateau that took their breath away. As they traveled on, the wonders didn’t cease. They met animals that shared stories and spoke of dangers ahead. Still, they were determined to fulfill their quest. 

When they met the guardian, their strength was truly tested. I was highly impressed with all the drawings in the story, but the guardian image was spectacular. It has movement and flow. You could see every crease in the creature’s skin. Its eyes were so real you almost expected them to glow in the dark. I applaud the artist’s skill. I also applaud Dr. Charan Surisetty for creating an adventure story that young readers will be captivated by. 

Children will cheer the boys on as they set off on their journey. They’ll be fascinated by the large animals they come across. And, of course, they’ll be on the edge of their seats when Jack and Alex face off with the unnatural beast. Parents will love every moment of the story and the message at its conclusion: “Adventure awaits those who see it, and courage follows those who embrace it.” 

Beasts come in all forms. The Daring Brothers: An Epic Adventure inspires children to find the courage to overcome obstacles, defeat their beasts. Remember, you are mightier than you think!

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading of six to twelve years. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Charan Surisetty: children’s book author capturing the bond between siblings. Inspired by my boys, my characters embark on fun adventures and learn life lessons. Join us on this journey of discovery and imagination! Check out my books on Amazon.

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The Cootie Wars: Rise of the Germaphobes by Kofi Houston (Book Review)

Dr. Cooties, genius scientist and son of Emperor Ivan Von Cooties, leads the Ickyonian Empire in their quest to spread the cootie virus throughout the universe. As he and his Legion of Ickyness set their sights on Earth, can the Germaphobes rise in time to stop them, or will they succumb to his evil schemes? Brace yourselves for the beginning of the incredible journey of the Germaphobes led by Max and Corbin as they discover the universe is much bigger than they thought and whether or not they can trust the new girl, Aja. Who is she and what secrets is she hiding?

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


We knew cooties as this fictional germ passed from one gender to another. You didn’t dare catch the cooties, but if you did catch them, you knew you better get the antidote (the cootie shot) asap. 

Imagine if cooties were real and they destroyed planets. The Cootie Wars: Rise of the Germaphobes revolved around Dr. Cooties, his witch sister (Endora) henchmen, and Cootie Troopers that intend to spread cooties around the universe, destroying each planet they infect. Dr. Cooties’s sights are now firmly set on Earth and, more precisely, The Living Waters. 

The villains from Ickyonia have the most unique and humorous names: Paste Eater, Sweet Tooth, Captain Faltulence, and Snot Shot, to name only a few. How they received their name coincides with their funny name. For instance, Snot Shot shoots booger bullets out his nose. It sounds disgusting, but kids will eat it up. (no pun intended) If your child loathes brushing their teeth, taking showers, and cleaning up, they will probably be rooting for Team Ick! 

The Protectors ( team heroes) didn’t have the funniest names except for Kernel Corn. That was cute. They did have excellent fighters whose punches made quite an impact on their opponents. 

So far, the drama mainly occurred in space, but the ending scenes gave clues that Earth better be prepared to fight back sooner rather than later. Dr. Cooties, Endora, and the henchmen might have won the battle, but will they will the war. 

The end credits state that the Germaphobes will return, and I can’t wait to read the sequel. 

I want to see what happens now that we know who are traitors to the Protectors. What becomes of a certain kidnapped human. Now that we know the heritage of an earthling, what does fate have in store for them? Also, what other cootie monsters exist besides the arachnicootie?  BTW: I would love to see an illustration of that 8-legged freak! In fact, I would LOVE to see this book, and future workings, translated into graphic novels! 

The Cootie Wars: Rise of the Germaphobes is perfect for fourth graders and higher. It’s also perfect for adults that are still kids at heart…like me. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤ (deserves many more)

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Meet the Author 

Deciding to cash in on his fame as an esteemed Young Author’s Award Winner in the Second Grade, Kofi finally released his debut novel, The Cootie Wars: Rise of the Germaphobes, thirty years later. (You can’t rush genius, right?) After working with children for over ten years as a basketball coach and Teacher’s Assistant, he has since moved on to pursue his passion in writing and being the big kid that he is.

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Alter by H.R. Truelove (Book Spotlight)


Lennox, Erris, Wisdom…

There are many voices in Laura’s mind but no one, not even her family will believe her.

Laura’s life is far from normal. After spending years in a medical center for seeing visions no one else can, Laura is transferred to the Tomlinson Institute of Research. There, she’s promised, lies the truth she’s been after her entire life.

But as her eighteenth birthday looms closer, Laura’s already complicated life takes a sudden turn. When she discovers what hides behind her unusual abilities, Laura’s reality is blown to pieces, and she must learn to make sense of her supernatural gifts. With a little help from the voices in her head, Laura needs to fight to save herself, the world she lives in-and every other world in the multiverse.

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Meet the Author


H.R. Truelove lives with her family in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

She developed a thirst for reading during her long bus rides to school, and has been writing poetry, song lyrics, and short stories most of her life.

H.R. Truelove | Instagram | TwitterFacebook





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As Red as a Munka Bean by Kristin T. Dethlefsen (Book Review)

Beings from all over the universe have gathered on Kamim for the yearly Interstellar Beauty Contest. Fifteen-year-old Liam and his best (and only) friend Absalom are there to represent Earth, although they never actually agreed to come. Now Absalom must put his reservations aside and convince the judges of something he doesn’t quite believe himself: that his short, fat, brown body is beautiful.

Liam only has to announce Absalom and translate the other beings’ sign language for him, a simple enough task for a deaf boy. But when he meets pretty Sadie right before the announcement, his mind goes blank and his hands can’t find the right words.

And then there is Topher, the boy who bullies Liam and Absalom on Earth and was accidentally brought to Kamim with them. He is sullen and mean, but he knows how to be cool and confident, two traits which would help Absalom immensely in the contest…

This contemporary fantasy for young adults and tweens is an adventure story about the power of friendship and believing in yourself.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)

Beings from around the universe gather together in an interstellar beauty contest. Liam, Absalom (Sal), and Topher were swept up in a green cloud and transported to Kamim, the host planet, for the extraordinary event. The three boys took everything in stride. They didn’t freak out about the situation. Topher, the class bully, was actually more upset about being mistaken for a girl than being abducted by a little green alien. 

Sal, the chosen contestant for Earth, wasn’t comfortable showing off his body. Fairies forcibly removed his shirt. Topher asks him to jiggle his fat. And he was repeatedly in a state of embarrassment. The aliens thought he was beautiful; he did not. I didn’t particularly appreciate how “fat” was constantly used to describe Sal’s physique. Words hurt. 

Luckily, as the story progressed, Sal became more confident with his body. However, it was a long road to this moment. I was saddened to see Sal body-shamed. I was upset to see how the cops manhandled him. They grossly abused their power. Unfortunately, that display of injustice happens far too frequently in real life. 

They were comedic moments in the story and had spectacular galactical beings with unique and fascinating skills. The aliens came in all shapes and sizes; some nice and some not so much. 

Whether you are on Earth, Kamim, Windshippers, or another planet, we are all different, and those differences shouldn’t divide us; however, they often do. 

Being comfortable in your own skin is hard for many people. 

Standing up to bullies is a challenging feat too. 

Both issues are addressed in As Red as a Munka Bean.

While I am thrilled Sal gained confidence, I would like another outcome for Topher. (Staying vague to avoid spoilers.) In a nutshell, I wanted him to do the right thing. 

This story did have a marvelous blend of hearing and deaf characters. It taught Sal to embrace his size and not let other people’s opinions weigh him down. For that, I recommend this story to teens. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤1/2

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Meet the Author

Kristin has always been an avid reader of many kinds of books: young adult, adventure, fantasy, travel, the classics. As with her reading tastes, her novels don’t adhere to just one genre. You’ll find elements of fantasy and contemporary, books for young adults and those for middle grade readers. Travel often figures into her stories as well.

Kristin grew up in a small town in Connecticut and began writing after her daughter was born. She lives in Germany with her family, where she teaches English as a foreign language to adults. To find out more about Kristin and her current projects, take a look at her website: www.dethlefsenbooks.com or follow her on Twitter @dethlefsenbooks



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