Tag Archives: adopt

Life Lessons of Lucy Lu: Book 1 – Lucy Lu Gets Adopted by Gwen Kelly (Book Review)

“Mama, wait! You forgot me! Please don’t go Mama! Please don’t leave me here!” Lucy Lu cried out. “Why are you leaving me?”

OH, NO! Even though Lucy Lu was an adorable, happy puppy who loved to be with people, her Mama abandoned her at an animal shelter! After a cold and scary night outside at the shelter, Lucy Lu was welcomed in by the nice lady that worked there, and she met a new dog friend that taught her how to be a good dog and get adopted. But Lucy Lu was still very afraid that she would have to live in a kennel forever… and she wouldn’t find a family to love and play with!

And then one beautiful day, finally, a happy, kind woman named Gracie visited Lucy Lu at the shelter…

Life Lessons of Lucy Lu is a beautifully illustrated dog book for kids and a great gift for any dog lover. This empowering book also teaches children to be caring of abandoned animals.

“Oh, Lucy Lu,” Gracie said. “You are perfect. You are the one. I would love to adopt you and be your new Mama. Would you like that?”

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


According to The Zebra’s website, “Every year, 6.5 million dogs, cats, and other former pets are abandoned or lost and enter shelters. But of all these animals, only 3.2 million are adopted and many see shelters again after less than a year of finding a new home.” The number of euthanized pets is staggering and saddening, too. Lucy Lu is one of many dogs abandoned at a shelter. Readers never learn why the American pit bull and Staffordshire terrier mix was left tied to the shelter’s doorknob. We do get a glimpse into the mind of the sweet puppy. Lucy Lu was confused, wondering why her Mama drove off without her. She pleaded for her Mama to please come back. Lucy Lu’s cries made me cry. My heart broke for her. 

Beth, the human who operates the shelter, wonders what kind of person would abandon a dog, especially one that can’t be more than four months old. I wondered as well. Beth brought Lucy Lu inside, fed her, and gave her a warm place to sleep. There, Lucy met another shelter dog named Sally, a border terrier mix. Beth explains to the veteran canine guest that Lucy Lu might not be adopted immediately. Unfortunately, it’s common for black mixed-breed dogs to get “overlooked.” Therefore, Lucy Lu needs all the love and kindness they can offer. 

Sally was all too familiar with being overlooked by prospective adopters. Over the years, she taught Lucy Lu to be a “good girl.” She taught Lucy Lu the importance of good manners, such as not jumping on people or getting into the garbage. As Lucy Lu watched pups getting adopted over her, she questioned what was wrong with her. Why didn’t anyone want her? Children in foster care often wonder the same thing. They believe there’s something about themselves that makes them unwanted and unlovable. Again, just thinking anyone (with or without fur) thinks this is heartbreaking. 

Sally and Lucy Lu did get their forever homes, but not every shelter animal is so lucky. If you are ready for the huge responsibility of owning a pet, I recommend you visit your local shelter today. Let’s give our animals what they want—a forever home! 

Lucy Lu’s story touched my heart, and I know it’ll touch yours too. I agree with the author’s recommended reading age: ages 4 to 9. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

I am an award winning author who’s passionate about writing. I love to share stories. I’m always evolving to become the best fun version of myself. As I follow my path, I will continue to write stories, help shelter dogs find beautiful loving homes and aid individuals needing financial assistance to spay and neuter their pets.

My ultimate goal is to one day have a small farm called Sutherland’s Crossing Sanctuary for animals needing a place to be loved, to feel at peace and eventually die with dignity.

I have many stories still brewing in my head and will continue to write books in many genres – murder mystery, children’s book, historical true story, comedy book and whatever else formulates.

Please join me on my journey as I produce more books for you to enjoy and so together, we can continue to get lost in the world of words all while helping the animals!

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Whiskers of Hope: Paws, Possibilities, & DISH by Cyndi Whatif (Book Review)

From Back Cover:

We like to believe we can control our lives, but sometimes things just get put in our path. Things we didn’t even know we really needed—like a little abandoned kitten. This Christmas kitty’s story is a journey into fate causing our lives to converge.

This crossroad caused the transformation of a feeble creature’s health and the author’s mental toughness to share her discovery with the world. It is a true story of events which I have used to introduce my readers to this mystery body system (DISH) which I believe we all have. I believe the effectiveness of DISH (Defensive Individual Shield Hypothesis) determines whether a person has the opportunity to be well.

Read this short memoir and see how my understanding of DISH was able to change the outcome of this kitten. May this memoir raise questions in you about the profound impact DISH could possibly have on the well-being of us all.


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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Animals have a special place in many of our hearts. Adults often refer to them as their children, while kids label them as siblings. How, why, and when our paths cross are fond memories we reflect on often. At the beginning of this chapter book, we are introduced to a young kitten that has been discarded. Due to the kitten’s severe injuries, the vet suspects the under-a-pound kitty was thrown from a vehicle. It broke my heart to see how they tossed her away as if she was meaningless. The rescue cat, Moxie, has lived a hard life and now facing a long road to recovery.

The family in the story always took in animals, but finally, the dad put his foot down and said they didn’t need another pet. The mom is all set to honor her husband’s wishes and give the poor injured feline to a neighbor, but fate (once again) intervenes. Daisy, the neighbor and possible new owner, was not home; therefore, the cat must remain with the family who found it. As you might guess, attachments grew, and the temporary home became the kitty’s permanent dwelling.  

While reading the paragraphs centering on cleaning the stray and listening to the vet’s remarks about the kitten’s health, I kept petting my own two furballs. I was thankful my cats came into my life, and I know Moxie (the abandoned kitty) will grow grateful for her new family. First, though, the kitty had to beat the odds. 

Signs of infection are expected to be treated with antibiotics. The author thought it was vital to introduce supplements into the female kitten’s body, too, since antibiotics are known to destroy and kill good bacteria in the gut. This method of healing is called DISH (Defensive Individual Shield Method). The introduction stated that the DISH is a straightforward concept, but implementing it can be tricky due to the many factors involved. This book is intended as a quick example of how the process could look and why it works.

DISH, AFTER ( Altering Fields to Enable Recovery), and Exit Ramps all have their purpose in helping this kitten beat the odds. All three are discussed in detail in the story. It’s about keeping the “Good Guys” and “Bad Guys” separated so the “Good Guys” can avoid the “Bad Guys” and exit the lymphatic system. Plus, this method targeted chronic inflammation and replenished vital nutrients. Read the story for more detailed information! 

Maybe fate was in full effect the day Moxie was found stranded, cold, and on the brink of death. Some might call this encounter a miracle since it happened a few days before Christmas. Others might agree that her recovery was a miracle as well. I believe fate stepped in and gave Moxie what they needed: a home. 

If you have a soft spot for animals, I encourage you to read this heartwarming story about a little kitten rescued and found their furever home. It’s an emotional read but a fantastic one as well. 

Like with us, recovering from injuries or infections does take time. Some individuals chose to rely on prescription meds. Others go the route of the homeopathic way. Meanwhile, others see the benefit of both. I am in the last category. I think it’s worth mentioning the author’s medical disclaimer: This book should never be a substitute for professional medical advice from healthcare professionals. It is my personal experience.  

I agree with the writer, always speak to your doctor before starting any new treatments!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Cyndi is a relentless seeker of knowledge. She has spent five years working on her hypothesis of a newly revealed body system and five more years testing it. She goes by the penname of Whatif because of the many questions she still has and the many possibilities this system may potentially impact.

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Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles by Susan Sullivan (Book Review)

When a sad and hungry kitty is rescued from a garbaggy place by a loving family, only to lose them again, he sets out to find them. On his journey, he encounters many strange and wonderful creatures including a slithery snake, a frisky frog, a friendly fish, a laughable lemur, a marvelous mantis, a testy turtle, a babbling bee, a wee worm, and a wise old owl. Along the way, he learns that he is a bit different than most cats and the other creatures aren’t so nice about his unique qualities.

While struggling with his identity, and weakened from his journey, the cat becomes more and more lost. He faces perilous danger and nearly gives up all hope. But after digging deep to find trust, and a little help and teamwork from his new friends, he finds more than he was hoping for.

In this beautifully illustrated tale of a cat without a tail, our hero learns how to believe in himself, overcome his fears, and feel comfortable in his own fur – with lots of adventures along the way. An inspiring story of courage, teamwork, and the long journey home.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The World Animal Foundation claims that, shockingly, there are 60-80 million unowned or feral cats in the U.S. Susan Sullivan focuses on one homeless kitty in Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles. Before the black kitty met his owners, he lived on the streets. He feasted on rotten garbage, causing his coat to smell no better than the food he consumed. He was bullied, beaten, and understandably sad. All that changed the day the gentle man with shaggy hair scooped him up and promised to help him. The friendly human gave the lonesome, dirty, hungry cat a name (Bob). He made sure Bob was given medical care, a bath, a warm bed, and plenty of healthy food. Bob loved his new family, a blended home of cats and dogs. He felt safe. He felt loved. He felt like he belonged. 

Bob understood that sometimes his owners would leave for the day, but he also understood they eventually returned. However, one day, they didn’t, and Bob was consumed with worry. As pet owners, we see the joy in our furry friends when we return home. Kisses. Head butts. They show love in their own way. Bob loved his humans and was willing to brave the harsh outside world again for them. 

In every chapter, Bob meets new faces. He met some friendly animals and some rude animals. Art imitates life in this instance. No matter the reader’s age, you will encounter people who will lift you up and those who enjoy tearing you down. It’s important to remember the wise words of Oakley, the owl: “What others think doesn’t matter half as much as what you think.”

Bob did not have a tail, and many animals remarked about it, causing him to be ashamed of who he was and what he looked like. Bob didn’t know life with a tail, but these wild animals made him feel terrible about it. We see this type of behavior in humans. We focus on someone’s outward appearance and should be judging someone by their actions. Bob was a sweet, smart cat who loved his family with all his heart. He braved the turbulent waters, faced his fears, and never gave up looking for his “lost” humans. 

In the end, Bob was reunited with his family, and what a story he had to share with his furry brothers and sisters. He swam. He flew. He had an adventure that would widen any furry friend’s eyes with shock and disbelief. 

Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles thirteen chapters are full of action, adventure, love, and gorgeous illustrations of animals and insects (artist: Lauren Reeves). I recommend sharing it with your child six years and older. Make it a part of your bedtime routine. 

Remember: adopt, don’t shop!

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Susan Sullivan worked in Nuclear Medicine before teaching high school biology and anatomy for ten years. Bob, Susan’s tailless rescue cat, had wanderlust and his true adventures became the source of great stories. Susan enjoys being in nature and among animals, particularly when she is beekeeping.

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