Tag Archives: beast

Come One, Come All by E. Gilliland (Book Review)

The Pied Piper Circus lures in the lost, the lonely, people who wish to be stronger or faster or prettier…but once you join, you can never leave. 

Louisa knows the dangers of the traveling carnival, but she cannot afford to stay away. Not if she wants to get rid of the white owl that’s been haunting her, invading her dreams. Not if she wants to know about the dark, sinister mark in her eyes that convinces people to follow her every whim, no matter how terrible. Not when she fears what she might do with that power.

Ringmaster Amos Cain has the answers Louisa seeks, but like everything else in the Pied Piper Circus, they won’t come without a price. And there’s something hungry living in the heart of the carnival that will never be satiated, no matter how many lost souls She consumes.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from R&R Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Years and years ago, I grew up in a tiny town. Every fourth of July weekend, a carnival would be set up less than a block from my house. During the day, the carnival didn’t look scary. At night, I had the opposite feeling regarding the place. I’m sure the carnie workers were friendly enough, but at night, I was afraid of them and who might grab me on the way back to my house. This story made me remember all those uneasy feelings from years past. 

The Pied Piper Circus had an acrobat, clown, a strong man, and a tiger that entertained the visitors. The circus also housed a very dark secret – a monster that feasted on the souls of the lost and lonely. When hunger struck or anger boiled over, the monster, referred to as “Lady,” would peel the skin off her victim’s flesh. She was the stuff of nightmares! 

Amos was the circus’s ringmaster, but he also helped corral the Lady when she awoke. It was no easy task keeping the Lady pleased; she was a jealous and heartless beast. 

The book’s summary was an attention-grabber. The cover and title are perfect! The story itself left me with mixed feelings. The story’s plot was unique. However, the first half often gave off a sequel vibe. For instance: It was written as if I should know who certain characters are, their past interactions, and why they behaved or reacted in certain ways. I looked up the book to verify this was not a sequel in a series. 

Since this book is labeled “horror,” I craved more Lady feasting scenes. Her hunger wasn’t capitalized on enough to make this a typical horror book. This story was more supernatural in nature. 

I was pleasantly surprised who came out of nowhere to help Louisa when we saw Lady’s anger unleashed. I thought they were gone forever. (No spoilers.)

With the superbly written book summary, I was ready to be blown away by the contents. Unfortunately, I wasn’t. It felt incomplete. Even though I had mixed feelings regarding the story, I recommend you read it. It was a nice supernatural read, and the ending opened it for a sequel. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: 1/2



About the Author

Writer Elizabeth Gilliland was photographed in Mobile, Alabama.

Elizabeth Gilliland mostly believes in ghosts and other supernatural spooks, but she has a standing agreement with them to keep a respectful distance. When she isn’t writing, she is most likely sneaking classic Gothic novels into her class curriculum, or arguing why we need to value adaptations as art. She is also the author of the Austen University Mysteries, and she lives in Alabama with her husband and son.

Bayou Wolf Press | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads 




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Darkest Hours: Expanded Edition by Mike Thorn (Book Review)

cover image / art by Mikio Murakami


Between the covers of Darkest Hours, you will find academics in distress; humans abusing monsters; demons terrorizing people; ghostly reminiscences; resurrected trauma; and occult filmmaking. Ranging from satirical to dreadful, these sixteen stories share a distinct voice: urgent, sardonic, and brutal.  

This expanded edition includes a new foreword by Sadie Hartmann (Mother Horror) and author notes for every story describing Thorn’s process, influences, and more. This updated release also features seventeen of Thorn’s essays on horror cinema, which cover films by Tobe Hooper, George A. Romero, Rob Zombie, M. Night Shyamalan, Wes Craven, and Dario Argento, among others.   


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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


When I look at anthologies (multiple authors) or a compilation of works by a single author, I hope to walk away loving 1/2 of the short stories. With Darkest Hours: Expanded Edition by Mike Thorn, 11 out of the 16 horror tales scored a 4 or 5. That’s huge! It just shows you how well Mike Thorn crafted each storyline. 

Each story caused various reactions from me. Here are some examples:


HairAs a germaphobe, the idea of hair getting in my food or the possibility of eating hair is nightmarish. Ugh, just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. However, the inquisitive part of me wanted to know about hair fetishes. Oh my word, my browser history would raise some eyebrows. Curiosity made me read about hair eating (trichophagia), Rapunzel Syndrome (basically, hairballs), trichophia, and pubephilia. I’ll let readers of my review look those up for themselves. 🙂

While the plot 100% disturbed me and grossed me out, I was fascinated by the medical information surrounding the perversion to hair. 

Economy These DaysThis story wasn’t gory or horrific. It was, however, very plausible. In desperate times, people will do anything for money. So, I can absolutely fathom someone using their body as a punching bag. $450 a day, $2,250 a week, 9K a month, that amount of money is too irresistible to resist. Economy These Days made me wonder what I would do if there were no hope in sight. What would be my price? 

Lucio Schluter: In real life, humans are the real monsters of the world. They are the ones who abduct, inflict pain, suffering, torture, and kill. Every adult has probably watched at least one documentary of a famous serial killer, so you know the horrors that lurk in this world. For me, when Mike Thorn writes about plausible scenarios, that’s the stories that haunt me the most. The ones I won’t soon forget. 


Quick responses to 5 more stories featured in the Darkest Hours: Expanded Edition:


I’m never camping, thanks to Fusion!!! 

Mirrors are overrated, so I have no issue tossing all of mine in the trash. The possible result if I don’t is scary as shit! (Story, Long Man)

Mired: The absolute horror of the story was the blob eating all the textbooks. 😀

I’ve had many conversations about ghosts, so I loved the philosophical and theoretical discussions in Speaking of Ghosts. I wouldn’t want to face the actual outcome presented in the tale. Nope, I like to live in a world in hypotheticals. Leave the “seeing is believing” for other folks. 🙂

Mike Thorn ended the compilation with a fascinating tale. It’s a story through the eyes of a ghost. Remembering Absence wasn’t gory. It was another “thinker” story. While I love a good gory tale, I found this type of story sticks with you much longer because you’ll find yourself talking about the possibility of such an occurrence with your friends. 


After reading the sixteen stories, I learned several important facts.

No sober person had any supernatural encounters. Nothing good happens after dark, so stay the F*** home. Oh, and mirrors are evil so get rid of them! Now! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤


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Mike Thorn is the author of the short story collection Darkest Hours. His fiction has appeared in numerous magazines, anthologies and podcasts, including Vastarien, Dark Moon Digest, The NoSleep Podcast, Tales to Terrify, and Prairie Gothic. His film criticism has been published in MUBI Notebook, The Film Stage, and Vague Visages. He completed his M.A. with a major in English literature at the University of Calgary, where he wrote a thesis on epistemophobia in John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness.

Connect with him on Twitter (@MikeThornWrites) or visit his website for more information: mikethornwrites.com.

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