Tag Archives: bedtime story

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story by G.M. Reyes (Book Review)

A Rhyming Book About a Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story

Dad just wants to play video games, or go to the gym, or just unwind. But there’s something in the way of his relaxing evening. His kids want him to read a bedtime story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


In a child’s eyes, their parents are superheroes—super strong, never tire, and have all the time in the world. They don’t understand that their parents need time to recharge their battery after working all day, or maybe they need or have to do something that doesn’t include small tag-a-longs. The two darlings in this sweet children’s book had one teeny tiny request: Dad, please read us a bedtime story. Dad tried to politely turn down their request, saying he was in a hurry, but they were persistent, which is 100% relatable to many adults reading this book to their kids. 

Despite his initial reluctance, the dad in this story caved and agreed to read only one story. Nestled in bed with his two kiddos, the dad did what many parents do once they noticed the book’s length—he skipped a few pages. When your child is a baby or toddler, you can absolutely get away with summarizing the story. However, as your child grows up, they become more observant and will call you on the sneakiness. The fictional kids demanded their dad read the story againproperly this time.

Their father did a smashing job the second time around. He used different voices and even rapped some lines. I adored the drawing of him wearing a witch’s hat and nose, fairy wings, and a princess crown. But the real showstopper was the image of him with his hat flipped backward, shades on, bling around his neck while rapping into the microphone. I would laugh until my sides hurt if I witnessed my spouse recreating this scene. 

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story would make a great book to read at nap time or bedtime. It would also make a great Father’s Day gift. 

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age: baby to 8 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

A dad of two who wants to write stories that his kids will want to read and enjoy.

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Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf by Avery Smart (Book Review)

In this charming retelling of the classic tale, “The Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf” the author weaves a delightful narrative filled with whimsy, humor, and unexpected twists. The three little pigs, each with their distinct personalities, set out to build their homes, unaware of the lurking danger posed by the big ‘bad’ wolf.

As the story unfolds, readers are treated to a heartwarming journey of friendship, resilience, and the realization that sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. The author infuses the narrative with valuable life lessons, emphasizing the importance of not judging others based on preconceived notions. The unexpected alliance between the pigs and the wolf adds a unique and refreshing twist to the familiar fable, making this book a captivating read.

The storytelling is complemented by vibrant illustrations that bring the characters and their world to life. The author’s vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue capture the imagination, making it an ideal bedtime or classroom read. Beyond the surface-level narrative, the book encourages readers to reflect on themes of empathy, kindness, and the potential for unlikely friendships. It’s a must-read for those seeking a fresh perspective on a beloved classic.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Most of us know the classic children’s story The Three Little Pigs. In it, the wolf intentionally blows down the piglets’ homes made of straw and sticks and attempts to knock down the brick house as well. The famous wolf is labeled a villain for good reason. Readers will be introduced to a more thoughtful animal in Three Little Pigs and The Good Wolf. Children will discover this wolf is a sweet, caring canine, not a scary beast. 

This story contains some elements that the original fable possessed. Three pigs do go off to build their homes from the same materials found in the famed edition. A wolf goes to each home and asks to come inside. However, this wolf didn’t huff, puff, and knock down their homes with sinister intentions. He did not want to make them his late-night snack. Yes, he accidentally dismantled the straw and stick home. He tried to extinguish a fire, not cause the straw structure to fall. The stick home tumbled down, too, but again, the wolf didn’t have food on the brain. No, he had an important story and item to share! 

The three little pigs judged the wolf by his outward appearance. They reacted based on old fairytales and didn’t think twice about giving the wolf the benefit of the doubt. They were filled with shame once they realized the error in their ways. This was not an angry, hungry beast wanting to satisfy his hunger; it was just a friendly animal trying to do the right thing. The wolf found something that didn’t belong to him and wanted to return it to its rightful owner: the three pigs’ grandma. 

This story teaches valuable lessons. One, don’t judge a book by its cover. Second, friends come in all sizes, colors, and forms. Lastly, don’t be quick to dismiss someone. Listen and be kind. 

The artwork was out of this world! I can’t rave enough about it. The artist did a masterful job updating the piggies’ look from the famed story we’ve grown accustomed to. I loved how expressive their faces became, especially when the wolf came knockin’, or the oinkers went a runnin’. The artist didn’t stop with the three little pigs; they painted many emotions on the wolf’s face, showing a softer and friendlier side of the famous, menacing, canine breed. While I loved the illustrator’s skill, the text sometimes became muddled. On occasion, the background overpowered the text in the foreground. Despite that, I highly recommend sharing this story with your family or class!  

Amazon’s recommended reading age is baby-5 years. I would change that scale to 2-6 year olds. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Avery Smart, a vibrant author who resides in the heart of the lively family chaos with her three energetic kids. Nestled in the midst of parenting, she channels her passion for nurturing well-mannered children into delightful tales.

Reedsy Author Link



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