Tag Archives: chick

Ellie Wants to Draw: A Doodle Dilemma (Ellie The Chick Book 5) by Avery Smart (Book Review)

Meet Ellie, the creative little artist chick with a passion for drawing!

From houses to tall trees, flowers, and flying butterflies, Ellie’s artistic spirit knows no bounds. Her imagination soars as she sketches rainbows, the sun, rockets to Mars, boats sailing on the sea, and even castles guarded by mighty dragons.

A little bit here and a little bit there, it’s not going to hurt anyone when you are drawing quietly alone, right?

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 

Whether scribbling on a piece of paper or drawing masterpieces, drawing has many health benefits. It allows the artist to express their feelings. It’s a stress-releaser. It improves motor skills. It activates a person’s imagination and creative side. 

Ellie, the cute chick, loves to draw. However, she makes a mistake that many children make every day: she uses walls as her canvas. Crayola gives children washable art instruments: crayons, markers, pencils, and paints. This means the days of repainting walls, using stain lifters on clothes, and scrubbing skin are long gone!

Even though many washable options are on the market, not all parents will be thrilled with kids decorating the walls. Also, even though they have washable materials at home, their friend’s house or school might not. Therefore, teaching children the appropriate places to create their masterpieces is best. Despite all our efforts to keep walls clean, most children accidentally or purposely color a wall.

Ellie got more than one little mark on the wall. She had an entire scene with a tree, rainbow, sun, kite, rocket, and much more. When Ellie’s mom saw the kite’s tail streaking across multiple walls, she immediately told Ellie to stop. Ellie could’ve placed the blame on others. She could’ve refused to clean up her mess. But, since she knew right from wrong, she owned up to her mistake and began scrubbing the mess away.

From a design point of view, I would’ve put the text regarding what the chick loves to draw before the drawing action shots. Other than that, I couldn’t find a single item not to love.

Ellie’s story teaches children to take responsibility for their mistakes. It also opens a dialogue for parents to explain or remind kids what surfaces are for coloring and which are not.

Amazon’s recommended reading age is baby-6 years.

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Avery Smart, a vibrant author who resides in the heart of the lively family chaos with her three energetic kids. Nestled in the midst of parenting, she channels her passion for nurturing well-mannered children into delightful tales.

It is within this dynamic environment that she draws inspiration, transforming her deep-seated passion for fostering well-mannered children into captivating tales.

Avery’s writing becomes a heartfelt expression of her commitment to instilling values in the younger generation. Her three lively kids not only serve as a source of inspiration but also as eager test subjects for the lessons embedded in her stories.

Amazon Author Page Link

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Say Please, Ellie: Learning How To Say The Magic Word (Ellie The Chick Book 2) by Avery Smart (Book Review)

Ellie is a little chick who wants to do many things at once.

She often struggles with expressing her many wants politely. Can you lend a hand with her manners?

In this edition of Ellie the Little Chick series, the story walks us into essential moral lesson for young children who may struggle with courtesy. The emphasis is clear: always remember to say “please” before asking for something.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


How could anyone resist reading Say Please, Ellie after viewing the cover!? Ellie is super cute with her little round body, big, bright blue eyes, and beak that appears to be smiling. The artist did a phenomenal job illustrating the chick in different situations and poses. I loved them all, but as a mother with a child who loves playing dress-up, my favorite was the chick dressed as a mini version of her mommy. What a fashionista! 

Cute illustrations aside, this book is on an important mission: to teach or remind children to say “please.” When a child speaks a few words, it’s important to introduce basic politeness terms into their vocabulary: please and thank you. As children grow, they should understand to add kind words to sentences. If we instill kindness and politeness at a young age, kids will grow up as kinder adults and then pass on the values/manners learned to their own children. Plus, asking instead of demanding makes a person sound nice, not rude.


Join Ellie as she scratches items off her to-do list:

  • Build a blanket fort
  • Make paper airplanes
  • Have a tea party
  • Go on a bug hunt.
  • Play dress-up.

Be sure to make your fun list, and don’t forget to say “please” and “thank you” as you carry out each activity! 

I recommend sharing  Say Please, Ellie with children six years and under. 


Words to ponder…

“Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back.” ⁠—Thomas Sowell.

“Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them.” ⁠—Bill Kelly.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Avery Smart, a vibrant author who resides in the heart of the lively family chaos with her three energetic kids. Nestled in the midst of parenting, she channels her passion for nurturing well-mannered children into delightful tales.

It is within this dynamic environment that she draws inspiration, transforming her deep-seated passion for fostering well-mannered children into captivating tales.

Avery’s writing becomes a heartfelt expression of her commitment to instilling values in the younger generation. Her three lively kids not only serve as a source of inspiration but also as eager test subjects for the lessons embedded in her stories.

Amazon Author Page Link



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