Tag Archives: children

My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One and Act Two by Donna Glass (2 Book Spotlight)

Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have!

In My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act OneI’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.

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As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction, comedy book makes your day a little brighter.

So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.

Content warning: A few adult words are not intended for younger audiences.

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(ACT ONE) Kris ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  I thoroughly enjoyed this act! This book needs to be a real show!! The real life situations and topic make it so relatable!!

(ACT ONE) Adecco Stanton ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I laughed at Donna’s funny stories for an hour or so. This book is beneficial for cheering up and having stories to tell friends. Absolutely recommended reading

(ACT TWO) Nancy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This is what I needed! After being stressed out and working long hours I grabbed this book. It was so good that I didn’t want to put it down. “Pooh Bear has come out of the honeypot tree” This was one of my favorites! I kept remembering and started laughing again…I recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a good laugh! (but be prepared to keep reading until you finish it because it is very good).

(ACT TWO) Jordan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This book had me laughing since the very first page. The book is a perfect match for the ones having family. Some of the author’s life incidents were my favorite ones such as :- “Here’s your cake, BITCH” Incident showing their craziness for “Breaking Bad” Series, “YOLANDA” dream , Kitties, and the conversations between them over texts. I highly recommend this book. Hope to read more books from this author.

ACT ONE Purchase Link

ACT TWO Purchase Link




Meet the Author

Donna Glass is an award-winning author who loves to laugh. And, wow, her laugh is boisterous! In her free time, she’s either reading a book or playing a game with the family.

For more information about Donna’s current and future books, follow her social links.

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The Unique Little Bear by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

Seeing the joy in being completely unique.

“Why is their growl so loud, and scary and strong?

But mine is so quiet – is my growl wrong?”


Little Bear is beginning to notice that he is different from the other bears, and he has decided to ask mummy bear why.

Using engaging rhyme and endearing illustrations, The Unique Little Bear takes the reader on a gentle discovery and celebration of the uniqueness of every individual, and encourages us all to do the same.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


According to the Oxford Dictionary, the meaning of unique is “being the only one of its kind; very special or unusual.” Merriam-Webster lists unique as “being without a like or equal.” Whether it’s your fashion choices, personality, hairstyle, special skill, body shape, birthmark, or so on, we all possess something that makes us stand out from everyone else. Makes us … unique.

Little bear noticed he didn’t look exactly like the other bears. His fur was golden-red instead of brown. His growl didn’t reach the same depths and volume as other bears. Even his paws weren’t as mighty as theirs. Being “different” bothered the small animal, much like it does for many of us. We want to fit in, sometimes meaning we try to act or look like others. 

Every day, humans are mocked, teased, shunned, or made feel less than because of something deemed strange. That causes negative feelings about ourselves, squashes our self-esteem, and can cause people to isolate themselves from gatherings or friendships. This adorable children’s book helps children understand that we all have characteristics or skills that set us apart from one another. We should never be embarrassed, sad, or ashamed about what’s different about ourselves but, instead, love and embrace what makes us special. 

Mummy bear said it best when she tried to comfort her son with the fact we are all different from our eyes to our ears, from our fur to our feet. Substitute hair for feet, and that applies to humans. 

I loved everything about this book. The illustrations were spectacular. I was thrilled to see the animals were shaded in unorthodox colors, making each one unique and staying on target with the general theme of the story. And promoting positive body image and self-love is always a plus in my book! 

Share The Unique Little Bear with your children and teach them to love themselves from head to toe, inside and out. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

My love of stories and the characters that inhabit them has been with me forever. As a child I could often be found with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and a pile of books about dragons, witches and magical adventures. Stories are brewing in my head constantly. 

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Leah Travels to The Red Mountain Peak: A Book on Mindfulness, Speaking Up and Letting Go by A. S. Tudo (Book Review)

This anti-bullying story carves the path of kindness towards conflict resolution.

Is your little one transitioning towards being a balanced, calm being, but could use a little bit of help with regulating their emotions? Or perhaps they had a challenging time with someone who said or acted in an unkind way?

Meet Leah!

Leah’s journey to The Red Mountain Peak will make her stronger without bursting her bubbly self and everyone is welcome for the ride.

Leah is different. Beautifully different. From the bright orange colour of her wings to her taking-things-easy-attitude.

She makes a special friend because she is present enough to see it. She learns how powerful her breath is when she needs it the most. And she learns to deal with her emotions, speak up and stand up for herself when someone treats her poorly. Uncover the natural wisdom of the world with Leah and her friends.

This story deals with tackling bullying and teaches children to take action in five easy steps, starting with the mindfulness practice of thinking of the breath. Help empower young humans to apply critical thinking and open up to deep conversations by sharing and talking about stories like this.

P.S. This story also addresses the uncomfortable truth – parents are humans too and sometimes they might give conflicting signals when showing affection. Trust gets consolidated through owning up and talking things through and accountability goes both ways in the parent-child relationship.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

“Is your little one transitioning towards being a balanced, calm being, but could use a little bit of help with regulating their emotions? Or perhaps they had a challenging time with someone who said or acted in an unkind way? This anti-bullying story carves the path of kindness towards conflict resolution.” 

Leah Travels to The Red Mountain Peak: A Book on Mindfulness, Speaking Up and Letting Go, written and illustrated by A. S. Tudo, is designed with children 4-12 years in mind. The illustrations appear to have been drawn by a child. I’m not sure if this design was intended, but I think they will appeal to 2 to 4-year-olds. However, 10 to 12 years olds might consider them and the storyline childish since their taste starts to involve more complex designs and longer page counts at this age. Leah Travels to The Red Mountain Peak: A Book on Mindfulness, Speaking Up and Letting Go was a cute story that I’m sure many children will select to read daily during story time. 

The Land of the Seven Hilltops and a Mountain are waking up, and every bug is hard at work except Leah, the ladybug. The other bugs were not so nice to Leah and made her cry. They said rude things to her and hurt her feelings. This behavior will strike a chord with many children and opens the door to discussing bullying and the effects of not treating others with kindness. Ersa, the dewdrop, will teach children what to do if and when they are bullied. This story also points out that everyone, including parents, makes mistakes, so communication is an excellent first step in handling issues. 

While I wasn’t overly impressed with the illustrations, the story made excellent points and should be shared with children, even those not currently being bullied. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

A. S. Tudo’s mission is to create stories that help adults and children act with kindness, even when someone’s actions are hurtful. ‘Leah Travels to The Red Mountain Peak’ is the first book of ‘Leah’s Adventures’ series.

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Around The World with Moby- My First Trip! by Muzna Kazim (Book Review)

Around the World with Moby is about an awesome 8-year-old-boy with autism who suffers from travel anxiety. Moby is always scared to explore new things or go on a vacation. His parents were concerned that Moby is missing out on many new learning experiences as he likes to just stay at home and repeat the same schedule every single day. So, they decide to take him out on a short vacation to Minneapolis, Minnesota. A trip that includes a 3-hour flight, a hotel-stay and exploring the city of Minneapolis. The parents prepared for his trip by implementing helpful tools to cope with his fear and anxiety.

Will these tools help Moby stay calm?

Will they enable him to adapt to a brief change in his daily schedule?

Will he have fun?

Let’s find out in the story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Adults have anxiety about traveling, so it’s not a far leap to think children would suffer from the same issue. 

In Around The World with Moby- My First Trip! by Muzna Kazim, we meet Moby, an 8-year-old with autism who fears traveling. Moby’s Mama tries to soothe his fears. She tells him the trip to Minneapolis is only temporary. She gives him a calendar so he can prepare for the upcoming event. She read him stories about plane rides. They watch videos together. His Mama’s thoughtful and helpful ideas ease Moby’s fear and anxiety. When they reach the airport, Mama has more tricks to help her autistic child through this sensory-overloading adventure. Now, Moby’s Mama wasn’t the only one helping Moby feel calm during the adventure. His Dad was there, discussing the mechanics of the plane, which kept Moby’s mind at peace. What a blessed family!

The excursion was not smooth sailing. Bumps in the road will occur whether a child is on the autism spectrum or not. However, suppose they are, Around The World with Moby- My First Trip! gives parents valuable tools to help their child prepare for a trip, helps a child handle new experiences and challenges, and even shows families all the fun you can have in Minneapolis. There are even pages dedicated to when they came home. The ‘after the trip” events were just as important as the ‘let’s prepare for the trip’ sections. You don’t have to have an autistic child to benefit from any idea in the book. All children feel stress over new situations! 

Around The World with Moby- My First Trip! by Muzna Kazim is a remarkable book. The illustrations by Rabindra Nath Barman were big, bold, and colorful and elevated an already fantastic story. 

I recommend that families and schools add this book to their libraries. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

San Diego based author Muzna Kazim completed her Master’s in Public Health from National University in 2016. She majored in Health Promotion with a research study in Autism. She worked as a Behavior Interventionist for kids with autism and advocates inclusivity and equal opportunities for them.

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The Squirbles and the Messy Room: Another Squirble® Story! by Kate Teves (Book Review)

Could this messy squirble bedroom get any messier? If Percy and Pip aren’t careful, it just might! In this heartwarming Squirble® story, Percy and Pip return to make things right in their very messy room. But when their pet fish and pet cat suggest a shortcut, things might just get a lot… worse. Will the brothers have the strength and the focus to make things right?

This playful book is told in breezy rhyme that will delight early readers. The cheeky humor of this squirble family will make little children, big children, and parents laugh together. And what child doesn’t love listening to their parents’ friendly giggles? This is the kind of book that parents and kids both love.

Written and illustrated by Kate Teves from her studio in South Florida, this book radiates with life and color.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy DiscoveryI voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


My first impression, the cover will make your child smile at the unique way Percy (character on top bunk) is picking up his stinky sock. Yup, I can only surmise it’s stinky because a sock on the floor in any room is more than likely a stinker. 

Before the story begins, Kate Teves (writer and illustrator) introduces the cast of characters. What a fun-looking crew! My family liked Pip’s goggles and Elaine, the airplane flying fish, the most; however, all the characters were spectacularly drawn. 

The opening segment of The Squirbles and the Messy Room is very relatable to children and adults. Percy and Pip’s parents enter their room, shout about how messy the room is, and demand they clean it up. Yup, that happens every minute of every day in some home, somewhere. As with real life, the fictional parents repeatedly asked them to clean up before they blew up at them. 

Percy and Pip had to tidy up the toys, straighten posters, pick up the clothing, and toss the trash. They had help, though. The cat in a maid outfit carrying a feather duster made me laugh. It’ll make your children laugh too! 

Things were progressing smoothly in the clean-up process until a flying fish (Elaine) and a cat (Bessie) made contact with a ceiling fan. Yes, you read that right. Wacky scenario, but I loved it, and your kid(s) will love it too. The cleaning adventure is 100% AFV material! (That’s America’s Funniest Home Videos.) 

Amazon’s recommended reading age is 2-7, grade level of preschool -2. Kids close to 2 might not understand words like inspection, toiled, and squalor. However, they will love the comical illustrations. 

One final thing, after the cast of characters, there’s an opportunity to scan “robot puke” to discover more Squirble® books + activities! I encourage you to check it out! 

Review submitted to Reedsy on 8/29/22.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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About the Author

I am a writer and illustrator in South Florida. In 2017, I had an idea for a children’s book, but I did not know how to draw. I started teaching myself the basics, and soon I was just as much in love with illustrating as I was with writing!

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