Tag Archives: fish

Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles by Susan Sullivan (Book Review)

When a sad and hungry kitty is rescued from a garbaggy place by a loving family, only to lose them again, he sets out to find them. On his journey, he encounters many strange and wonderful creatures including a slithery snake, a frisky frog, a friendly fish, a laughable lemur, a marvelous mantis, a testy turtle, a babbling bee, a wee worm, and a wise old owl. Along the way, he learns that he is a bit different than most cats and the other creatures aren’t so nice about his unique qualities.

While struggling with his identity, and weakened from his journey, the cat becomes more and more lost. He faces perilous danger and nearly gives up all hope. But after digging deep to find trust, and a little help and teamwork from his new friends, he finds more than he was hoping for.

In this beautifully illustrated tale of a cat without a tail, our hero learns how to believe in himself, overcome his fears, and feel comfortable in his own fur – with lots of adventures along the way. An inspiring story of courage, teamwork, and the long journey home.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The World Animal Foundation claims that, shockingly, there are 60-80 million unowned or feral cats in the U.S. Susan Sullivan focuses on one homeless kitty in Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles. Before the black kitty met his owners, he lived on the streets. He feasted on rotten garbage, causing his coat to smell no better than the food he consumed. He was bullied, beaten, and understandably sad. All that changed the day the gentle man with shaggy hair scooped him up and promised to help him. The friendly human gave the lonesome, dirty, hungry cat a name (Bob). He made sure Bob was given medical care, a bath, a warm bed, and plenty of healthy food. Bob loved his new family, a blended home of cats and dogs. He felt safe. He felt loved. He felt like he belonged. 

Bob understood that sometimes his owners would leave for the day, but he also understood they eventually returned. However, one day, they didn’t, and Bob was consumed with worry. As pet owners, we see the joy in our furry friends when we return home. Kisses. Head butts. They show love in their own way. Bob loved his humans and was willing to brave the harsh outside world again for them. 

In every chapter, Bob meets new faces. He met some friendly animals and some rude animals. Art imitates life in this instance. No matter the reader’s age, you will encounter people who will lift you up and those who enjoy tearing you down. It’s important to remember the wise words of Oakley, the owl: “What others think doesn’t matter half as much as what you think.”

Bob did not have a tail, and many animals remarked about it, causing him to be ashamed of who he was and what he looked like. Bob didn’t know life with a tail, but these wild animals made him feel terrible about it. We see this type of behavior in humans. We focus on someone’s outward appearance and should be judging someone by their actions. Bob was a sweet, smart cat who loved his family with all his heart. He braved the turbulent waters, faced his fears, and never gave up looking for his “lost” humans. 

In the end, Bob was reunited with his family, and what a story he had to share with his furry brothers and sisters. He swam. He flew. He had an adventure that would widen any furry friend’s eyes with shock and disbelief. 

Bob Tales, Land of the Woody Warbles thirteen chapters are full of action, adventure, love, and gorgeous illustrations of animals and insects (artist: Lauren Reeves). I recommend sharing it with your child six years and older. Make it a part of your bedtime routine. 

Remember: adopt, don’t shop!

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Author Website
Reedsy Author Link
Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

Susan Sullivan worked in Nuclear Medicine before teaching high school biology and anatomy for ten years. Bob, Susan’s tailless rescue cat, had wanderlust and his true adventures became the source of great stories. Susan enjoys being in nature and among animals, particularly when she is beekeeping.

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Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue! by Michael Panzner (Book Review)

Discover the Magic!

Follow the adventure of three wonderful friends – a little girl and twin unicorns – who journey to the beach and end up saving a family of fish. After rescuing them, the trio realizes the sea and the sand also need their help, and they join with others to clean things up. Aided by special unicorn magic, they restore nature’s beauty and show how to make our world a better place.

Dive into a vibrant and captivating read-aloud adventure! Bursting with color, this tale celebrates friendship, compassion, and kindness. Join our inspiring young heroes as they unite to preserve and protect our precious environment.

Amazon Purchase Link


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Rosie lived in a magical land with her two best friends, who were extraordinary unicorns. Josie and Johnnie had sparkling manes and glowing horns and could make beautiful magic together. 

Rosie loved going on adventures with her BFFs. One day, the trio decided to have a fun-filled day at the beach. They laughed, built sand castles, listened to the seagulls’ caw, enjoyed delicious food, and collected loads of seashells. However, when they went closer to the water’s edge, their day took an unexpected turn. Josie, Johnnie, and Rosie were stunned to see multiple fish trapped in a net and knew they had to help the struggling fish. 

Josie and Johnnie used their magical powers to loosen the net’s knots while Rosie untangled the fish and set them free. The trio’s actions were kind and brave, and the fish’s smiles illustrated their appreciation for the help. 

Unfortunately, what happens to these defenseless fish occurs every day, and we need more brave people to step up and protect our sea friends. As the story progresses, children will notice that not all dangers of the sea have teeth. Fish must avoid nets and pollution, like plastic bottles, cans, sunglasses, toys, bags, etc. Thankfully, kids have three magnificent role models demonstrating the importance of cleaning our beaches and keeping trash out of the water. 

Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue! educates readers on the dangers of trash poses to sea life. It encourages YOU to take action by helping preserve our seas and beaches by picking up garbage and disposing of it in their proper bin. It (hopefully) prompts children to be ocean conservationists. 

Josie and Johnnie had magic on their side, but we can do what they did. With everyone’s assistance, all seas can be crystal clear! Our beaches can be free of litter.  

Share Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue! with your 3-7-year-old and become an advocate for our friends under the sea. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

I’m a long-time freelance writer who’s always been a child at heart. Inspired by the countless stories I’ve shared with my children and grandchildren, I craft tales designed to entertain, spark the imagination, and instill values like kindness, courage, empathy and perseverance.
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How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile: An ocean wide hunt for kindness! by Rebecca Kurien (Book Review)

Dive into the depths of the ocean and meet Barry, the saltwater crocodile who is in desperate need of help. With a toothache so terrible it won’t go away, Barry sets out on a journey to find the most talented sea creatures in the ocean for help. Along the way, he meets

  • An octopus with 8 helpful arms
  • A sperm whale, the loudest creature on earth
  • A sailfish, the fastest fish in the ocean
  • A blue whale, the biggest creature on earth
  • A great white shark, the fiercest in the ocean
  • An orca known for their extreme intelligence

Through this heart-warming and inspirational children’s book, your child will learn incredible facts about sea creatures woven into the plot of the story and discover the value of kindness and empathy.


Featuring beautiful illustrations, lovable characters and an awe-inspiring twist in the end, this book promises entertainment for your child. Perfect for children between the ages of 3 and 7, this book is a must-have in any collection.

Amazon Purchase Link



(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


At some point, everyone will require help from a friend, family member, or stranger. It could relate to work, schooling, a flat tire, sewing a tear in clothing, a scrape from a fall, or carrying a heavy or bulky object. Barry, the saltwater crocodile, required medical assistance. He, unfortunately, was dealing with a terrible toothache. He couldn’t eat or sleep. The pain was making him downright miserable.

Tooth pain is no laughing matter. While humans can call a dentist, Barry didn’t have that luxury. Even though Cleo, a little bird, swore she could help him, Barry rebuffed her help due to her small stature and species. Instead, he ventured into the ocean, where readers will meet the most extraordinary creatures in bright, beautiful colors. I was highly impressed with the underwater images. Every page was more stunning than the last. It was movie-quality artistry. (illustrator: Eduardo Paj)

Rebecca Kurien’s children’s book had a balanced collection of new and familiar water friends. For example, depending on age, kids should recognize the great white shark, but maybe not the sailfish. As Barry talked to the six ocean dwellers, he learned an interesting fact about each. In turn, your child will gain fun facts, too, such as an octopus does not have teeth.

While the crocodile’s toothy situation wasn’t fixed during his adventure under the sea, the trip proved worthwhile. He met and gained knowledge about new animals. He also learned a valuable lesson. We should never discount someone’s worth based on outward appearance. Also, if help is needed, be open to a person’s ideas or assistance. You never know who has the right tool for the job. Finally, we should teach kids to help others in need.

Children will fall in love with the vibrant colors, the many animals featured, and (of course) Barry’s mission to fix his achy tooth. Parents: Buy a copy for your house. Teachers: Include it in your themed lessons. Librarians: You’ll want multiple copies because I see the book flying off the shelves!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author 

Rebecca Kurien is an Indian-Australian writer, lawyer, musician and perhaps most importantly, a mother of two. She has lived between Oman and India in her childhood, before moving to New Zealand and then Australia.

Her debut book, ‘How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile’ was inspired by her son’s fascination with the ocean and its wondrous creatures. She wanted to create a book for her children that was based on science and fact, while still leaning on the charm and magic of storytelling.

It is her dream to fill children’s lives with the richness and amazement of the world that we live in, by showing them that the journey to learning is never complete.

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The Squirbles and the Messy Room: Another Squirble® Story! by Kate Teves (Book Review)

Could this messy squirble bedroom get any messier? If Percy and Pip aren’t careful, it just might! In this heartwarming Squirble® story, Percy and Pip return to make things right in their very messy room. But when their pet fish and pet cat suggest a shortcut, things might just get a lot… worse. Will the brothers have the strength and the focus to make things right?

This playful book is told in breezy rhyme that will delight early readers. The cheeky humor of this squirble family will make little children, big children, and parents laugh together. And what child doesn’t love listening to their parents’ friendly giggles? This is the kind of book that parents and kids both love.

Written and illustrated by Kate Teves from her studio in South Florida, this book radiates with life and color.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy DiscoveryI voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


My first impression, the cover will make your child smile at the unique way Percy (character on top bunk) is picking up his stinky sock. Yup, I can only surmise it’s stinky because a sock on the floor in any room is more than likely a stinker. 

Before the story begins, Kate Teves (writer and illustrator) introduces the cast of characters. What a fun-looking crew! My family liked Pip’s goggles and Elaine, the airplane flying fish, the most; however, all the characters were spectacularly drawn. 

The opening segment of The Squirbles and the Messy Room is very relatable to children and adults. Percy and Pip’s parents enter their room, shout about how messy the room is, and demand they clean it up. Yup, that happens every minute of every day in some home, somewhere. As with real life, the fictional parents repeatedly asked them to clean up before they blew up at them. 

Percy and Pip had to tidy up the toys, straighten posters, pick up the clothing, and toss the trash. They had help, though. The cat in a maid outfit carrying a feather duster made me laugh. It’ll make your children laugh too! 

Things were progressing smoothly in the clean-up process until a flying fish (Elaine) and a cat (Bessie) made contact with a ceiling fan. Yes, you read that right. Wacky scenario, but I loved it, and your kid(s) will love it too. The cleaning adventure is 100% AFV material! (That’s America’s Funniest Home Videos.) 

Amazon’s recommended reading age is 2-7, grade level of preschool -2. Kids close to 2 might not understand words like inspection, toiled, and squalor. However, they will love the comical illustrations. 

One final thing, after the cast of characters, there’s an opportunity to scan “robot puke” to discover more Squirble® books + activities! I encourage you to check it out! 

Review submitted to Reedsy on 8/29/22.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Amazon Purchase Link


About the Author

I am a writer and illustrator in South Florida. In 2017, I had an idea for a children’s book, but I did not know how to draw. I started teaching myself the basics, and soon I was just as much in love with illustrating as I was with writing!

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Wilderness Spa: Where Physical Survival Meets Psychological Survival by Jim Halverson (Book Review)


The Wilderness Spa brings people from three quite different sources together to survive catastrophe in the Alaskan wilderness. They amaze themselves in their ability to coalesce and work cohesively in the face of hunger, injury, insecurity, and possible death. With that on their minds, they explore statistics, logic, social justice, and challenges to philosophies and social norms.

After rocky starts when new members enter the group, they learn to find the best in their fellow travelers, how to help, follow, and lead when necessary. Nothing is ever easy. Without attacking each other, they dig deep to reconcile their differences.

Join the group as they make the best of what they have. Struggle along with them and reconcile your own philosophical belief systems with logic and science.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
Alone, I think every character featured in Wilderness Spa would’ve had a dreadful time surviving alone in Alaska’s wilderness. Together, the trek to safety was not easy. There were juries and casualties. 

Wilderness Spa stressed the importance of teamwork. The stranded campers had to use their life skills and adapt to survive the trek to Fort Yukon. Everyone was assigned a task/role. Tom, still recovering from his injuries, did his best to lead the group. This was a difficult feat for the loner. A man with no family and no friends now had his fate resting in the hands of strangers. And these strangers were relying on Tom to help them get back to civilization. 

Surprisingly, things went pretty smoothly until I was about 3/4 of the way through it. Then, things took a turn for the worse. While I wouldn’t wish their troubles on real-life people, I welcomed the action scenes for literary purposes. The break-time discussions on racism, evolution, Medicare, Christmas, and so forth reduced my interest in the overall story and the outcome of the characters. When you travel (on foot) through dangerous territory and in less than desirable weather, you expect and want bad things to happen. It makes the story and its plot more realistic. 

When you live or visit an area with questionable weather and wild animals, you have to expect that bad stuff can and probably will happen. Therefore, every incident that occurred in the last portion of Wilderness Spa was plausible!

Final note: I love the book’s cover. And, I would love to see the Northern Lights of Alaska one day. #BucketList 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤
Meet the Author: 


J​im Halverson is the author of Trials & Trails (2019) and Ponce, What Actually Happened at the Fountain of Youth (upcoming, 2021). Jim grew up in the rural, gold-mining town of Mokelumne Hill, CA and received his MBA from Golden Gate University. He spent part of his life on a ranch and is an avid student of psychology. He recognizes the struggles of all men and women seeking equality and respect. Jim and his wife, Gail, spend their time traveling from their small farm in Forestville, CA.

Connect with the Author:  Website ~  Goodreads



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