Tag Archives: friendships

A Migraine in the Light by Tony Peluso (Book Spotlight)

Tony Peluso began having migraines as a child but developed headaches every day in the year 2000, which have persisted to the present day. Living a life in and out of hospitals since he was a teenager. It is a life so surreal it is hard to imagine, and words are the only thing that can illuminate the invisible curse of chronic migraines, a disease for which the only diagnostic tool for any doctor will only ever be the patient’s voice. His disability covers the first quarter of the 21st century, and with it a unique Odyssey of failures, challenges, and changes in healthcare. It is a book that took him 14 years to write and is a path that has led him to a philosophy he calls The White Tower.

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Meet the Author

I’m 39 and I’ve been disabled with chronic migraines for 24 years. My disability started at 15 when the pain became daily. After a decade of daily headaches, I began writing and it took 14 years to finish. The disease is invisible and complex, and the only diagnostic tool is a patient’s voice.

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Ritter and Coco’s Rainy Day by Kierra Mohr (Book Review)

Rain or shine, the best adventures are shared with a friend!

The anticipation of a fun-filled picnic day at the park is shattered when unexpected rain dampens Ritter and Coco’s plans. However, the two friends quickly turn disappointment into an opportunity for creativity and imagination. With the guidance of Coco’s mother, the children start their day filled with indoor adventures- creating a blanket fort, playing with trucks, and enjoying each other’s company.

They become so busy playing and imagining, they don’t even realize that the storm outside has cleared, revealing a bright, blue sky. Through their resilience and positive outlook, Ritter and Coco learn that the joy of spending time with a friend can turn even a rainy day into one of the best days of the year.

Ritter and Coco’s Rainy Day, wonderfully illustrated and written in rhymes, provides a valuable lesson for young readers about adapting to change and finding joy in unexpected moments.

Get your copy today and help your little ones navigate their emotions and learn to deal with change positively in this brightly illustrated, rhyming story of friendship. Perfect for ages 2-5.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Weather affects all of our daily activities. We might hit the beach, visit an amusement park, or head to the park when it’s nice and sunny. On snow days, children often build snowmen, sledding, or engage in an epic snowball fight. It’s typical for people to plan or schedule their day based on the meteorologist’s forecast. But what happens when the weather takes an unexpected turn for the worse? That’s precisely what happened in this storybook. 

Ritter and Coco have their whole day planned out: play at the park and enjoy goodies from their picnic basket. However, their plans went up in smoke when an unexpected storm rolled in. They were rightfully disappointed. They didn’t understand why it was storming when the forecast signaled clear skies. As your child reads or listens to the story, they might question how or why the weather changes so quickly. Depending on your child’s age, they might ask what “forecasted” means. Take this an opportunity to expand your child’s vocabulary!

Coco and Ritter were visibly upset by the sudden storm with due reason. Instead of crying, sulking, or becoming angry, the duo took this as an opportunity to have fun indoors. I loved how they took a negative and made it a positive. I loved how they both contributed ideas to the things to do now and things to do later list. 

Ritter and Coco could’ve allowed their feelings to match the weather outside. They could’ve let the darkened skies and pouring rain ruin their day. But they didn’t! The friends’ attitude made them great role models for young readers!

I recommend Ritter and Coco’s Rainy Day to children six years and under. It presents a positive message and encourages children to look on the bright side of life! Plus, the illustrations are fantastic, too! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

Kierra is a children’s author and registered nurse who loves the amount of creativity and use of imagination writing books brings her. She’s always had a passion for creative arts and helping children learn, grow, and develop through song, dance, literature, and play. Mama, wife, Christ follower.

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How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile: An ocean wide hunt for kindness! by Rebecca Kurien (Book Review)

Dive into the depths of the ocean and meet Barry, the saltwater crocodile who is in desperate need of help. With a toothache so terrible it won’t go away, Barry sets out on a journey to find the most talented sea creatures in the ocean for help. Along the way, he meets

  • An octopus with 8 helpful arms
  • A sperm whale, the loudest creature on earth
  • A sailfish, the fastest fish in the ocean
  • A blue whale, the biggest creature on earth
  • A great white shark, the fiercest in the ocean
  • An orca known for their extreme intelligence

Through this heart-warming and inspirational children’s book, your child will learn incredible facts about sea creatures woven into the plot of the story and discover the value of kindness and empathy.


Featuring beautiful illustrations, lovable characters and an awe-inspiring twist in the end, this book promises entertainment for your child. Perfect for children between the ages of 3 and 7, this book is a must-have in any collection.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


At some point, everyone will require help from a friend, family member, or stranger. It could relate to work, schooling, a flat tire, sewing a tear in clothing, a scrape from a fall, or carrying a heavy or bulky object. Barry, the saltwater crocodile, required medical assistance. He, unfortunately, was dealing with a terrible toothache. He couldn’t eat or sleep. The pain was making him downright miserable.

Tooth pain is no laughing matter. While humans can call a dentist, Barry didn’t have that luxury. Even though Cleo, a little bird, swore she could help him, Barry rebuffed her help due to her small stature and species. Instead, he ventured into the ocean, where readers will meet the most extraordinary creatures in bright, beautiful colors. I was highly impressed with the underwater images. Every page was more stunning than the last. It was movie-quality artistry. (illustrator: Eduardo Paj)

Rebecca Kurien’s children’s book had a balanced collection of new and familiar water friends. For example, depending on age, kids should recognize the great white shark, but maybe not the sailfish. As Barry talked to the six ocean dwellers, he learned an interesting fact about each. In turn, your child will gain fun facts, too, such as an octopus does not have teeth.

While the crocodile’s toothy situation wasn’t fixed during his adventure under the sea, the trip proved worthwhile. He met and gained knowledge about new animals. He also learned a valuable lesson. We should never discount someone’s worth based on outward appearance. Also, if help is needed, be open to a person’s ideas or assistance. You never know who has the right tool for the job. Finally, we should teach kids to help others in need.

Children will fall in love with the vibrant colors, the many animals featured, and (of course) Barry’s mission to fix his achy tooth. Parents: Buy a copy for your house. Teachers: Include it in your themed lessons. Librarians: You’ll want multiple copies because I see the book flying off the shelves!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author 

Rebecca Kurien is an Indian-Australian writer, lawyer, musician and perhaps most importantly, a mother of two. She has lived between Oman and India in her childhood, before moving to New Zealand and then Australia.

Her debut book, ‘How to Fix the Smile of a Crocodile’ was inspired by her son’s fascination with the ocean and its wondrous creatures. She wanted to create a book for her children that was based on science and fact, while still leaning on the charm and magic of storytelling.

It is her dream to fill children’s lives with the richness and amazement of the world that we live in, by showing them that the journey to learning is never complete.

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Toot the Flying Droodle: Part Dragon – Part Poodle (The Droodle Tales) by Julian Boram (Book Review)

Part Dragon-Part Poodle

He’s a small little thingy that’s kind and sweet
With a curly little tail, fuzzy ears and woolly feet
TOOT longs to fly UP, UP into the sky
He just can’t do it and he can’t figure out why

Come along and join TOOT on his uplifting adventure and find out if three magical beasties can help make his dreams come true.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


In the fantasy world, you never know what creature an author will come up with next. This unknown brings excitement, joy, and entertainment to many. Julian Boram, author and illustrator, has given readers a mythical being combining a dragon and a poodle. DROODLE, for short. Not a likely pairing, but the mash-up created a unique magical beast that children will love. 

Toot, the DROODLE, longs to soar like the other DROODLES. He wants to play with the others in the sky. Watching them from afar makes him feel lonely and sad. Many readers will empathize with Toot’s predicament. It’s never easy to watch others having fun and feel excluded. 

Toot isn’t the only animal in this imaginative tale with a mind-blogging mash-up. Children will meet SNOWL: part owl and part snake. The combination was weirdly wonderful. The owl’s forked tongue was oddly cute. Readers will also encounter a PHOW and a SWAT. You’ll have to read the story to discover their fantastical blends! 

As Toot chases after his kite, young listeners will be amazed by the gigantic flowers, bees, and even the trees! Nothing is ordinary in Toot the Flying Droodle. Julian Boram has also included a bonus game: find the DROODLE egg on every page. 

If your child is struggling with “fitting in” or having issues with a task, read them this book. If your child loves fantasy stories, again, read them this book. Toot the Flying Droodle is a fantastic, imaginative story that your child will want to read over and over! 

Amazon’s recommended reading age: 2-7 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

An Aussie, currently living in London, Julian spends his time as a husband and father of two girls, and as a senior executive helping businesses grow in a new sustainable era.

Julian is an Award Winning Children’s Book Illustrator and has won several awards for his art and his large-scale portrait entries in the acclaimed Archibald and Moran Prize competitions have been written up in major newspapers.

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Racee Acee and the Toboggan Race by Debbie Hepner (Book Review)

Racee Acee is at it again with another fantastic race. This time she is teaming up with friends for a thrilling toboggan race. Some hilarious ideas come about as the team works together on a solution to make their sled go faster in the upcoming race. Curious and hungry puppies and dogs join the fun as the sled speeds down the snow-covered hill. Problem-solving, thinking outside the box, friendly cooperation, and TEAMWORK come together to get them to the finish line…But do they win?

Bub the cat is back for another fantastic race of his cute little life!

The Second book in the Racee Acee Series will delight readers of all ages.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


It was an exciting time for Acee, Mia, Riley, and Tobias; the toboggan race was only three short days away. They were in strategy mode, brainstorming ways to make their sled go faster. The crew shared a couple of suggestions to give them the boost they needed to win. Then, all four mental lightbulbs went off, and they shouted the same answer simultaneously (no spoilers). I was sitting on the edge, waiting to see the outcome. 

The team initialized their master plan and quickly realized they needed to tweak their tactic. Back to square one! Racee Acee and the Toboggan Race by Debbie Hepner teaches children to think on their feet, adjust experiments accordingly, and rely on their team (friends) to help solve a problem. It enforces the importance of listening to one another and being open to new theories. Remember, no voice is more important than another. 

Racee Acee and the Toboggan showcases four young children’s determination to find the optimal material that lets them zoom down the hill at top speed. It was a trial and error process that required patience and calm heads. 

Do they win, or do they lose? The answer will have fans of the Racee Acee Series cheering with the crowd. Even though the book ended with a happy ever after, that’s not the point of the short read. The story’s point is not who won the race but how the events led them to cross the finish line. 

Racee Acee and the Toboggan Race by Debbie Hepner encourages creativity, thinking outside the box, teamwork, and perseverance. Hayley Moore created incredible illustrations that will capture and delight young viewers. I recommend the book for children 3-8 years. 

Be sure and check out Debbie Hepner’s other works. They are filled with action, adventure and are perfect for young readers. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

After retiring from teaching, I decided to write children’s books. I have published five books and won four awards, including one Global Book Award, two Independent Press Awards, and a Mom’s Choice Award. Adding to my collection of picture books, I’m also writing young adult chapter books.

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