Tag Archives: HEA

Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump by Cameron Michaels (Book Review)

I couldn’t have run into a bigger jerk. And, of course, he’s loaded with cash and attitude. I’m fine…until I run into him again…and again.

My new client has issues, and my job is to figure them out and fix them. She didn’t tell me that her big brother would become my issue…one I’d have to fix.

Whether I like it or not, I’m going to fall for someone whose first words denigrate my profession.

Fine…it seems like I can make it work. Until his past comes back to take him away.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump is a romantic comedy you can’t help falling in love with and won’t want to see end. 

Natalia and Declan each made the mother of all bad first impressions. In Declan’s defense, he didn’t know Natalia was his sister’s therapist when he said disparaging comments about her profession. She didn’t know he was her next patient’s brother when they butted heads in the elevator. Insults flew, but we all know what that means in a rom-com. Sparks! 

Natalia was drawn to Declan, and it had nothing to do with the size of his bank account. She saw the man behind the fortune. He was kind not only to his baby sister Jillian but also to his employees as well. He had known them since he was a teen, and many current employees had a hand in raising him. He treated them like family because they were. 

Declan was confused about his reaction to the fiery therapist. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and found himself driving past her work, hoping he would catch a glimpse of her. It was one such drive-by that changed their dynamic forever. 

Declan and Natalia found reasons to spend time together. They also found reasons to drift apart. As with any rom-com, there is a pivotal moment when a misunderstanding causes the couple to take a break to think things through. Since Natalia was a therapist, I found it ironic how communication issues caused them to spend weeks apart. 

As you’d expectedly, there was the ah-ha moment when the two lovebirds realized they loved each other and rushed into each other’s arms. Natalia and Declan didn’t have the perfect start, but their ending (scene) was quite sweet. 

As much as I loved this novella, several noticeable editing mistakes occurred. Most readers will overlook the indention errors, but using the wrong character name in dialogue won’t be ignored as easily. It happened once, but reviewers note the small things when critiquing and calculating a score. 

If Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump were longer, I would’ve liked to see the writer dive more into Declan and Natalia’s family history. The author gave us a glimpse into their separate lives but quickly moved on. Too quickly. 

Cameron Michaels left me wanting more, and that’s the sign of a good story. I look forward to reading more of their books. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: 1/2

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Meet the Author 

As a romance author, I am passionate about crafting stories that capture the intricacies of love and human connection. My writing is characterized by vivid descriptions of emotions and settings, dynamic characters, and captivating plotlines that keep readers engaged from start to finish.

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Kiss Me This Christmas: A Steamy Holiday Romance by Cynthia Eden (Book Spotlight)

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…absolutely nothing. Because he had no idea that he was my true love. What a jerk.

Noelle Lennon has been in love with Brady Breckridge for as long as she can remember. A sad, unrequited love that causes her nothing but trouble as she pines over her brother’s best friend. Now the gorgeous, muscled, secretive special ops bane of her existence is back in town, back in her life…and because a few dangerous incidents may have happened recently, Brady is suddenly declaring himself her personal protector. So unnecessary. Also…so strangely hot.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me…Too much temptation to handle.

Brady thinks Noelle is in danger, so he vows to stand between her and any threat. Full disclosure? He’s been obsessed with Noelle for years and learning that she’s in danger, that she could have been hurt or killed while he was a continent away…that truth has rocked him to his core. Brady knows he has to fight for the woman he wants, and what better way to win her over than to use the magic of Christmas in his battle? Christmas has always been Noelle’s weakness, and he is not above using that weakness to his advantage.

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…A final chance at love.

Brady will keep her safe, and he’ll charm Noelle into falling for him. His plan has to work because Brady can’t imagine his life without her. But as the nights grow colder and the fierce desire Brady feels for Noelle rages ever hotter, he knows that his control won’t last long. He wants one thing for Christmas this year…just one thing…his true love. And he will do whatever it takes to win Noelle’s heart.

Author’s note: Tis the season for steam, a little suspense, and lots of romance! KISS ME THIS CHRISTMAS is a fun novella containing 30,000 words and a guaranteed happy ending. Get merry and bright and read all night!

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About Cynthia

A picture of Cynthia Eden.

Cynthia Eden is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia writes sexy tales of contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over one hundred novels and novellas.

Cynthia is a “hybrid” author. She has published extensively with New York (her New York publishers include Avon, Kensington, Grand Central, and Harlequin), and she has also enjoyed success in her indie writing career.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate.  Her favorite hobbies include hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

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Jinx, You’re It (Trouble For Hire Book 3) by Cynthia Eden (Book Spotlight)


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Eden brings a red-hot tale of second chance romance between two unlikely lovers.

Life is too short not to have one hell of a good time.

Jinx lives for his good times. With a ready smile and quick joke, his charm carries him through most rough situations. And when his grin doesn’t work, he just uses the down and dirty skills he acquired working Special Forces to get the job done. Life is easy, his luck is perfect, and nothing will slow him down. Except maybe…her.

It was a one-night stand she should forget.

Alison “Ali” Carter does not have time for handsome playboys—not even the ones with killer blue eyes and abs that last for days. Sure, she might have given in just one time and let her desire for Jinx take over, but she is not about to repeat that mistake, no matter how great the night was. She’s down on the Gulf Coast for a week of sun and relaxation. Jinx isn’t part of the plan.

Until he is the only plan.

Trouble has followed Ali down to the coast. On her last classified mission, she acquired a most dangerous stalker. The kind of guy that you can’t ditch, no matter how hard you try. The kind of guy who can scare a woman to death. And to help Ali deal with him? A most unlikely hero offers up his services.

He wants his second chance.

When Ali walked away from Jinx, it shouldn’t have hurt. He should have forgotten her and moved on. But since that fateful night, she’s been in his head. Been tormenting his dreams. So when she appears in his PI office and she’s in danger? Jinx immediately leaps into action. He’ll show Ali that he’s more than just a fast grin. This time, it’s not about being lucky. This time, it’s about protecting Ali and maybe, just maybe…winning her heart.

Author’s Note: Jinx is about to get lucky. He’s getting a second chance with the woman who slipped through his fingers, and he isn’t about to let her vanish again. Ali thinks he doesn’t take life seriously, and she may just be right. But, when it comes to Ali’s safety, Jinx will go all in to prove that he’s the man she needs. Danger doesn’t scare him. Behind his grin, he’s ice cold and willing to do whatever it takes to protect the one woman who slipped past his guard. Action, romance, danger, and fun are waiting in JINX, YOU’RE IT. (Stand-alone read, guaranteed happy ending!)


Book preview courtesy of Cynthia Eden

“This is a mistake,” Ali whispered right before her mouth surged up and pressed greedily against his.

“Oh, absolutely,” Jinx assured her in that low, deep, sexy rumble that pretty much just made her panties want to fall off. “Probably the worst mistake ever.” He kissed her again. A long, drugging kiss that had her rising onto her tiptoes so that she could get closer to him. “That’s why it is so much fun.”

Her hands curled around his broad shoulders. Her fingers bit into his skin. There were a million reasons why she should walk away from Jinx.

And one very big reason to stay.

I want him.

The case was over. She’d be disappearing come the morning. This night was going nowhere. It was just about hot sex. Incredible pleasure. About the insane attraction that she’d felt for Jinx from day one.

He was not her type. Okay, fine, Jinx was probably everyone’s type. He had a body that was sculpted to pure perfection. The man possessed the bluest eyes that she’d ever seen in her entire life…and his smile. Wow. He possessed the kind of slow, wicked smile that had her body tensing and quivering every single time she saw his lips curl.

Physically, the man was pure temptation.

But…He’s too reckless for me. Jinx didn’t take anything seriously, not even the danger that they had recently faced on a mission she’d been sure would fail. He mocked and he joked, and he didn’t seem to care about death. Or, well, anything else.

She liked reliable men. Steady men. Men who didn’t laugh when bullets went flying.

She liked those men, but in this particular instance, as desire flooded through her body…she wanted, no, craved Jinx. Jinx and his particular brand of madness.

The mission was over. They’d survived. Gotten the job done. Managed to not even get shot. Wins all around.

His tongue dipped in her mouth. His hands locked around her hips as he lifted her up and pinned her between his rock-hard body and the wall.

They were in some no-tell motel. They’d flown back in the country and paused in this little town for the night. Not like she’d ever be visiting this place again. She never came back after a mission was done. Her job was to fade away. To vanish. She was good at that job.

“God, you taste delicious,” Jinx growled as he pulled his mouth from hers. She stared up at him, aware that her heartbeat was pounding out of control. If possible, his eyes were even bluer as they burned down at her with the force of his fierce lust.

Jinx hadn’t hidden the fact that he’d wanted her. He’d been upfront about it from the beginning. And she’d told him it would never happen…

Never say never.

“I swear,” he added roughly, “I could eat you right up.”

Oh, the visual that popped into her head at that moment. Do it, yes, please. Go right ahead. Instead of saying those wild, desperate words, Ali squeaked, “Only once.”

He squinted those bright blues at her. “Once? Baby, it is gonna be a long night. I don’t see why on earth you’d limit a guy like me to just making you scream with pleasure only once. You are hurting yourself.”

She swallowed. “I meant…only one night.”

His lips curled.

Her body tensed. Quivered.

“Ah…” A sensual sigh. “So I can make you scream over and over?”

He was such a confident jerk. And, yes, she was pretty sure he’d be able to back up that confidence. God, she hoped he could back it up. Ali couldn’t remember the last time she’d had screaming-good sex.

Okay, wait, she could…it had been never. Sex had never been so good that she’d screamed, but she was more than ready to give it a shot.

“Maybe I’ll make you scream,” she said as her hands grabbed his shirt and shoved it up.

He tossed the shirt to the floor. “Full disclosure, I’m more of a roaring type. Or gutturally growling. You know, hardcore, sexy stuff.”

He couldn’t even be serious…now? Her hand went to the snap of his jeans. Yanked the snap open. Tugged down the zipper.

His fingers curled around hers. “I’ll give you one night, but what if you want more?”

Her mouth was dry. She licked her lips. “That confident you’re so good?”

His lips hitched into a half-smile that stole her breath. Not that she’d ever let him know the impact that any of his many smiles had on her. Jinx wasn’t serious. Not about missions. Certainly not about her. This was sex. Only sex. Physical.

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