Tag Archives: Holidays

Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan (Book Review)


Children’s Fictions (Ages 3-7)

​Tip toe, tip toe, crackle, crunch!

​Chipper the Fox sneaks through the forest to spread cheer to his weary friends. Will his merry making be a success? Or will a smelly fish disaster and a log pile tumble ruin his plans?
“Chipper Makes Merry” takes you on Chipper’s arctic quest filled with lessons of love, kindness and determination.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan is a delightful children’s book that left my niece smiling. She loved the cute characters drawn by Kim Sponaugle, especially the walrus. She liked its large teeth and round body. She also laughed when the Arctic fox held up the sticky fish. 

What I loved about Chipper Makes Merry, besides the adorable drawn characters, was the repetition. My niece was saying the following line with me in no time flat: Tip toe, tip toe, crackle crunch! 

While my five-year-old niece could make out some of the sight words in Chipper Makes Merry, there were still several words she needed my assistance with, such as mischief and scheme. This didn’t bother me because, with repetition, she will be able to decipher the words on her own soon enough. 

Overall, Chipper Makes Merry was a humungous hit. I love any book that promotes spreading cheer and helping out others. When people or animals are feeling sad, we should want to lift their spirits.

Heart Rating System:

1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

Meet the Author:
Morgan is a fun wife, and imperfect mom of 3 crazy kiddos and 2 little lemon (problematic) dogs. She tries to live her strengths the best she can. She likes to say she is creative, not crafty. Morgan is a homemade Halloween costume type of mom. She lets her kids mix the play doh. She bakes fun birthday cakes (cutely, but far from perfection). She loves a homemade valentine and a school project. Chipper the Fox is an extension of Morgan’s creative strength. Originally designed as character to create merry during the holiday season, Chipper has grown and developed into a story of determination and love.

connect with the author:
website ~ instagram  ~ Facebook



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Our Moon Festival by Yobe Qiu (Book Review)


“Our Moon Festival” is a beautifully illustrated children’s book celebrating the unique ways the Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese communities celebrate the Moon Festival.

The story highlights different families and their traditions as they observe Zhong Qiu Jie, Tết Trung Thu, and Tsukimi!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book ToursI voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

Earth is a big, majestic world-encompassing so many beautiful people and traditions. It’s crucial teachers and parents educate children on different cultures inhabiting it. Our Moon Festival by Yobe Qiu would be an excellent book to choose for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, May. 

In September, you could also read the book to celebrate the different festivals portrayed in the informative but entertaining children’s book: Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (Zhong Qui Jie), Vietnamese Moon Festival (Tết Trung Thu), and Japenese Moon Festival (Tsukimi).

If a child isn’t familiar with the foods listed, this would be an excellent opportunity to introduce new dishes to their diet. After reading Our Moon Festival by Yobe Qiu, I began looking up recipes for mooncakes (dessert). If my daughter and I can make them successfully, we might hand them out to our neighbors. Who couldn’t use “best wishes for peace, health, and happiness!” 😀

The illustrations by Christina Nel Lopez gave me ideas for art projects. We could make starry night paintings, paper lanterns, or a rabbit (like in Tsukimi). For public and homeschoolers, teachers might have the students write a haiku about the moon. What can I say? The teacher in me always finds ways to expand on a story to fit various subjects. Our Moon Festival by Yobe Qiu checks off many boxes. If you don’t want to expand on the story, then don’t. Your child will still find it very enjoyable. 

My only slight change to the story would be the color choice for some of the text. A couple of lines/words were difficult for my daughter to see and read because the black text blended too much with the background images. Other than that, we found no issues. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

Meet the Author:

Yobe is an educator, entrepreneur and mom who lives in NYC. As an educator, she focused on teaching families to embrace love, diversity and different cultures. Through the years working in the classrooms and closely with other educators, she noticed the lack of multi-cultural resources that represented children of color. That is when Yobe decided to create multicultural children stories that feature Asian children, families and cultures! Yobe loves spending time with her daughter, reading to children and taking long walks during the day!
Connect with the Author:  
Website Facebook ~ Instagram

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When the Sun Met the Moon by Simran Mohinani (Book Review)

(Ages 3-7), 38 pages


In this enchanting tale of the origins of the Sun and the Moon, the Sun flies across the universe on an adventure to look for someone whose light matches his own. When the Sun Met the Moon is a story filled with so much love, excitement, and equality that you won’t want to put down, and can be told for years to come. After centuries of brightening up the sky by himself, the poor Sun is exhausted, lonely, and in need of some help. So, he decides to search the galaxies for someone whose light is as strong and powerful as his to help him shine down on the people of Earth. When the Sun decides to take a holiday to go on this adventure, Earth is left with its first-ever nighttime where the sky goes dark and cold, leaving people afraid to come out of their homes. Will the Sun be able to find somebody whose light is equal to his? Find out in this gorgeous love story how the Sun met his perfect Moon.

Buy the Book
Amazon ~ B&N ~ BAM
Mascot Books



I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


I want to begin my review of When the Sun Met the Moon by congratulating Simran Mohinani and Leo Hartas on their sweet, lovely cover. It immediately captured my five-year-old niece’s attention. She adored the smiley faces drawn on the sun and moon. 

While I thought the story was cute, her attention remained on the images. 

She loved the kitty cat sitting in the window and the stars which lit up the night sky. The sun and the moon kissing made her giggle. Every-single-time. 🙂 

Even though she wasn’t too engrossed by the words on the pages, she enjoyed the pictures and wanted to draw a starry scene. I believe in time she’ll be reading me the story. 

For now, any book that makes her laugh is a winner in my book. Plus, it inspired her to create a work of art. Another win! 

Would I recommend this book? Yes. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

Amazon ~ B&N ~ BAM
Mascot Books


Simran Mohinani, otherwise known as Simi Moh, was born on September 8th, 1998. She is a graduate of Northeastern University, studying entrepreneurship with a minor in global fashion. She was born and raised in Hong Kong, and now lives between there, London, and Boston. She first worked for the United Nations with their environmental conservation team before also collaborating with Amazon, Marriott, and Snupps. She published her first trilogy of books comprised of poetry and short stories which are very successful. She now owns and runs three of her own businesses in the fields of consulting, denim supply, and commercial goods. She also has her own charity: The SiMission. After college, she also worked full-time at her family business, which deals with properties in Europe. On the side, she still loves to write, which came to fruition with When the Sun Met the Moon, for your enjoyment and pleasure.
connect with the author: website facebook instagram goodreads

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A Cupcake Christmas: A Christmas Elf Romance by Beth Barany (Book Review)

Love, chaotic magic, and cupcakes. What could possible go wrong?

What if you risked losing your baking legacy by cooking up a love truly special?

Florian MacMillian needs a final job to complete his baking resume—preferably a job where he’s unlikely to blow things up with his unruly magic—before returning to the North Pole and taking his rightful place as Master Baker to all the elves.

Kate Delore desperately needs help in her fast-growing cupcake business. Florian is a perfect fit, so she brings him on as baker. For a short time, Florian is happily up to his elbows in batter, and Kate’s business is booming.

But when things heat up between them, Florian wonders if he should risk his legacy to cook up something truly special.

Kindle Purchase Link

Print Purchase Link


(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)


If I had a sweet tooth, this story would’ve been torture on it. There were so many delicious desserts mentioned. Here are a few that even had me tempted to search out a sugary treat: donut cupcake, chocolate croissant cupcake, apple nut cupcakes, and a chocolate shake.

Kate served these sweet treats and a variety of savory options with her temporary assistant, Florian. Florian was a delightful character. He exuded joy! He even made me smile when his magic went off the rails, and Santa came a callin’. Yup, THE SANTA. Those scenes were just so precious and had me smiling from ear to ear.

Sweet holiday read!

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤  

Kindle Purchase Link

Print Purchase Link



Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance and adventure to transport readers to new worlds where anything is possible.

All the Books in the Touchstone Series:
All books are stand-alone, yet are connected.

Touchstone of Love (A Time Travel Romance) (Touchstone, #1)
A Christmas Fling (A Christmas Elf Romance) (Touchstone, #2)
Parisian Amour (A Fairy Tale Romance) (Touchstone, #3)
A Labyrinth of Love and Roses (A Fairy Tale Romance) (Touchstone, #4)
A Cupcake Christmas (A Christmas Elf Romance) (Touchstone, #5)

Buy All Five At Once!

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A Christmas Fling: A Christmas Elf Romance by Beth Barany (Novella Review)

What if falling in love put the life you cherished in jeopardy?

Dahlia, a Santa’s Elf, has 21 days left before Christmas to create the best toy in the world without using magic or revealing her true identity.

tuck on how to complete the prototype, and working as a temp in San Francisco’s financial district with no time for love, will her Christmas fling get her unstuck, or will she turn her back on her beloved career for her heart?

Liam, an up-and-coming financial analyst, swore off women after getting dumped by the love of his life.

He just found out his ex is going to the company Christmas party with his rival Michael Hendricks.

Up for promotion against Hendricks, Liam has to win the favor of his boss.

His best bet is to invite the vivacious secretary Dahlia to the party.

Kindle Purchase Link



(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)

A Christmas Fling was a unique, adorable novella. In it, an elf goes to the Human world for vacation and to work on her toy. She had no plans to fall in love. Her toy, winning the toy competition, was her everything. That is until Liam came into her life. 

Liam was all work and no play until a woman, Dahlia, literally ran into him and the dog he was watching for a friend. They had a deal to keep things light, but you know how those go — pesky feelings always seem to pop up. 

The unordinary romance character (the elf) made this novella highly enjoyable. I do love plots that break away from the norm, and this plot was certainly not your typical one. The author should consider pitching it to the Hallmark channel. I bet they’d jump at the chance to bring it to life. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤  


Kindle Purchase Link



Beth Barany writes magical tales of romance and adventure to transport readers to new worlds where anything is possible.

All the Books in the Touchstone Series:
All books are stand-alone, yet are connected.

Touchstone of Love (A Time Travel Romance) (Touchstone, #1)
A Christmas Fling (A Christmas Elf Romance) (Touchstone, #2)
Parisian Amour (A Fairy Tale Romance) (Touchstone, #3)
A Labyrinth of Love and Roses (A Fairy Tale Romance) (Touchstone, #4)
A Cupcake Christmas (A Christmas Elf Romance) (Touchstone, #5)

Buy All Five At Once!


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