Tag Archives: parents

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story by G.M. Reyes (Book Review)

A Rhyming Book About a Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story

Dad just wants to play video games, or go to the gym, or just unwind. But there’s something in the way of his relaxing evening. His kids want him to read a bedtime story.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


In a child’s eyes, their parents are superheroes—super strong, never tire, and have all the time in the world. They don’t understand that their parents need time to recharge their battery after working all day, or maybe they need or have to do something that doesn’t include small tag-a-longs. The two darlings in this sweet children’s book had one teeny tiny request: Dad, please read us a bedtime story. Dad tried to politely turn down their request, saying he was in a hurry, but they were persistent, which is 100% relatable to many adults reading this book to their kids. 

Despite his initial reluctance, the dad in this story caved and agreed to read only one story. Nestled in bed with his two kiddos, the dad did what many parents do once they noticed the book’s length—he skipped a few pages. When your child is a baby or toddler, you can absolutely get away with summarizing the story. However, as your child grows up, they become more observant and will call you on the sneakiness. The fictional kids demanded their dad read the story againproperly this time.

Their father did a smashing job the second time around. He used different voices and even rapped some lines. I adored the drawing of him wearing a witch’s hat and nose, fairy wings, and a princess crown. But the real showstopper was the image of him with his hat flipped backward, shades on, bling around his neck while rapping into the microphone. I would laugh until my sides hurt if I witnessed my spouse recreating this scene. 

The Dad Who Had to Read a Bedtime Story would make a great book to read at nap time or bedtime. It would also make a great Father’s Day gift. 

I agree with Amazon’s recommended reading age: baby to 8 years. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

A dad of two who wants to write stories that his kids will want to read and enjoy.

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My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One and Act Two by Donna Glass (2 Book Spotlight)

Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have!

In My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act OneI’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.

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As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction, comedy book makes your day a little brighter.

So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.

Content warning: A few adult words are not intended for younger audiences.

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(ACT ONE) Kris ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  I thoroughly enjoyed this act! This book needs to be a real show!! The real life situations and topic make it so relatable!!

(ACT ONE) Adecco Stanton ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I laughed at Donna’s funny stories for an hour or so. This book is beneficial for cheering up and having stories to tell friends. Absolutely recommended reading

(ACT TWO) Nancy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This is what I needed! After being stressed out and working long hours I grabbed this book. It was so good that I didn’t want to put it down. “Pooh Bear has come out of the honeypot tree” This was one of my favorites! I kept remembering and started laughing again…I recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a good laugh! (but be prepared to keep reading until you finish it because it is very good).

(ACT TWO) Jordan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This book had me laughing since the very first page. The book is a perfect match for the ones having family. Some of the author’s life incidents were my favorite ones such as :- “Here’s your cake, BITCH” Incident showing their craziness for “Breaking Bad” Series, “YOLANDA” dream , Kitties, and the conversations between them over texts. I highly recommend this book. Hope to read more books from this author.

ACT ONE Purchase Link

ACT TWO Purchase Link




Meet the Author

Donna Glass is an award-winning author who loves to laugh. And, wow, her laugh is boisterous! In her free time, she’s either reading a book or playing a game with the family.

For more information about Donna’s current and future books, follow her social links.

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Mama’s Love Language by Elisa Stad (Book Review)

The Flavor of Belonging in Culturally Diverse Families

Jade is a girl who lives in two worlds and, coming from a multicultural family, she’s on a quest to understand her identity and where she truly belongs.

She is trying to find her place in the world but feels different from the other kids at school. Back home, Jade’s parents have their unique approach to love and care. Sometimes Jade is embarrassed by Mama’s accent and she can’t understand why she is not just like any other mother she knows.

The real adventure unfolds when Jade starts rebelling against her mother’s traditional ways of showing love, especially through food. It’s a struggle that takes her on a path of discovery, as she learns about her family’s rich heritage and her mother’s challenging past in Vietnam and as an immigrant.

Jade then discovers that even though Mama doesn’t hug or say I love you, the healing aroma of ginger, green onions, and chicken broth does.

“Mama’s Love Language” is a heartwarming children’s book that addresses the universal theme of belonging and the beauty of cultural diversity. Through Jade’s story, children will learn that being different is not only okay but something to be celebrated, and that love can come in many shapes and forms.

This book is ideal for children the ages of 4-9

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


It can be challenging to find your place in the world. People raised in interracial or multicultural households often question their cultural identity. Jade felt like she lived in two worlds since her mother was Chinese and her father was American. She wondered, Who am I? As Jade ponders this question, we gain insight into how she viewed her parents and, subsequently, how she viewed herself. 

Jade mentioned that her dad works late but is always there to tuck her in at night. He loves giving hugs, unlike her Mama. Jade notes that her Mama isn’t a hugger. She does, however, pick her up from school every day. She ensures homework is completed, bellies are full, and vitamins are consumed. Jade mentions being embarrassed by her mother because people had trouble understanding her due to her accent. Jade was annoyed her mother couldn’t pronounce the “d” in her name and always called her “Jay.”

The illustrated group shot of the children’s self-portraits expresses Jade’s need to look and act like someone she’s not. Like Jade, people often try to alter themselves to fit into what society calls “normal,” but that rarely leads to happiness. This scene would create a great talking point with your child or class. Ask them if they ever feel like they don’t belong.

Voices were raised. Tears were shed. However, once tempers calmed down, the family had a real eye-opening conversation. Jade discovered why her Mama was vigilant in making sure her daughter studied hard and ate well. She learned that parents can show love in many ways. Some give hugs and kisses. Some show love through food and caring for you when you’re sick. Jade came to appreciate her Mama and embraced her Chinese heritage, which made everyone happy! 

The story includes a few challenging words that children might need help understanding or pronouncing. But this gives children room to expand their knowledge, which I loved! Share this story with your family and teach children to love where they came from and who they are!

The author’s recommended reading is 4-9 years. 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

Elisa Stad, for the majority of her career, was a brand and international business executive for luxury goods and consumer product companies. After experiencing working in over 40 countries, she acquired a passion for globalization and the sharing of cultures based on her experiences. Elisa is also focused on inspiring the youth through her efforts in healthcare inequities through Stad Center of Pain, Palliative, and Integrative Medicine and serves on college boards at USC, UCSF and Harvard.

Elisa grew up in a mixed-race household, as a daughter of a Vietnamese refugee mother and American father. She grew up in a multicultural home, searching for identity. She also moved homes often in her childhood including to Asia and within the US to Idaho and California.

She always wanted to share with other young children the beauty of humanity and how we can celebrate our unique gifts. You can find her enjoying ballet, visiting local Asian street markets, practicing yoga, and focusing on her spiritual practice. Elisa lives in Southern California with her husband, 3 children and a bernedoodle.

Reedsy Author Link




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The Unique Little Bear by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

Seeing the joy in being completely unique.

“Why is their growl so loud, and scary and strong?

But mine is so quiet – is my growl wrong?”


Little Bear is beginning to notice that he is different from the other bears, and he has decided to ask mummy bear why.

Using engaging rhyme and endearing illustrations, The Unique Little Bear takes the reader on a gentle discovery and celebration of the uniqueness of every individual, and encourages us all to do the same.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


According to the Oxford Dictionary, the meaning of unique is “being the only one of its kind; very special or unusual.” Merriam-Webster lists unique as “being without a like or equal.” Whether it’s your fashion choices, personality, hairstyle, special skill, body shape, birthmark, or so on, we all possess something that makes us stand out from everyone else. Makes us … unique.

Little bear noticed he didn’t look exactly like the other bears. His fur was golden-red instead of brown. His growl didn’t reach the same depths and volume as other bears. Even his paws weren’t as mighty as theirs. Being “different” bothered the small animal, much like it does for many of us. We want to fit in, sometimes meaning we try to act or look like others. 

Every day, humans are mocked, teased, shunned, or made feel less than because of something deemed strange. That causes negative feelings about ourselves, squashes our self-esteem, and can cause people to isolate themselves from gatherings or friendships. This adorable children’s book helps children understand that we all have characteristics or skills that set us apart from one another. We should never be embarrassed, sad, or ashamed about what’s different about ourselves but, instead, love and embrace what makes us special. 

Mummy bear said it best when she tried to comfort her son with the fact we are all different from our eyes to our ears, from our fur to our feet. Substitute hair for feet, and that applies to humans. 

I loved everything about this book. The illustrations were spectacular. I was thrilled to see the animals were shaded in unorthodox colors, making each one unique and staying on target with the general theme of the story. And promoting positive body image and self-love is always a plus in my book! 

Share The Unique Little Bear with your children and teach them to love themselves from head to toe, inside and out. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

My love of stories and the characters that inhabit them has been with me forever. As a child I could often be found with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and a pile of books about dragons, witches and magical adventures. Stories are brewing in my head constantly. 

Reedsy Author Link



Happy Holidays


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Happy Valentine’s Day BOOK OF 31 Cute Cards Plus 6 Teacher Fun Valentine’s Day Cards by Pixie Publishing House (Book Review)

This Valentine’s Day Book of Cards is unique perfect for all ages. Easy cut and fold design, these are a breeze to prepare and feature adorable designs that are sure to be loved by all. The pack includes 31 cards for friends and family, as well as 6 teacher’s cards for classroom exchanges or parties.


– Easy cut and fold design
– 31 cards for friends and family
– 6 teacher’s cards for classroom exchanges
– Adorable designs for all ages
– No envelopes required


These Valentine’s Day Book of Cards are not only adorable, with a simple cut and fold design, they’re easy to prepare in a snap. The pack includes enough cards for everyone, whether it’s classmates, friends, or family. Plus, the addition of teacher’s cards.


This cute card book is perfect for Valentine’s Day classroom exchanges, love notes, or any occasion where you want to show someone you care. They’re suitable for all ages.

Quality Assurance:

We take pride in the design and production of our Valentine’s Day Card Book, and we stand behind the quality.

Order your Valentine’s Day Book of Cards today! Visit our website at www.pixiepublishinghouse.com for new releases.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Holiday parties and school-time fun go together like peanut butter jelly. Food, candy, games, what’s not to love? Valentine’s parties are delightful because children love trading cards. While store-bought cards are typically used, I’ve noticed a rise in homemade or printable cards. 

Pixie Publishing House has compiled 31 cute cards that children from two to ten will love to give and receive. Subjective matter included squirrels, cats, bears, balloons, butterflies, unicorns, insects, children, hearts, and more. The only image some kids might not like is Cupid. The picture might not appeal to all ages, as the description says. 

Pixie Publishing House has also included 6 Valentine’s Day cards for children to hand out to their teacher(s). Most teacher-appropriate cards only stated, “To my teacher – Happy Valentine’s Day,” in various writing formats. Meaning capitalizations of words vary from card to card. However, one card stood out from the rest. My favorite teacher’s card was “Teaching is heart work.” It was more creative and unique, and the sentiment rang true! 

Happy Valentine’s Day BOOK OF 31 Cute Cards Plus 6 Teacher Fun Valentine’s Day Cards is a lovely collection, suitable for any gender to give or receive. The designs were, as the title states, cute. 

A couple of things to note: No envelopes are in the collection, so you’ll need to clip and fold each card. For young children who struggle with cutting, they will require adult assistance. Older children should be able to tackle the task with minimum to zero help. 

Even though the book’s summary claims the collection is for “all ages,” I recommend the book for children in toddlers through third grade. Fourth and fifth graders might not like every image only because they might consider them too babyish. That aside, I recommend choosing Happy Valentine’s Day BOOK OF 31 Cute Cards Plus 6 Teacher Fun Valentine’s Day Cards for your next holiday party! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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