Tag Archives: pictures

A Migraine in the Light by Tony Peluso (Book Spotlight)

Tony Peluso began having migraines as a child but developed headaches every day in the year 2000, which have persisted to the present day. Living a life in and out of hospitals since he was a teenager. It is a life so surreal it is hard to imagine, and words are the only thing that can illuminate the invisible curse of chronic migraines, a disease for which the only diagnostic tool for any doctor will only ever be the patient’s voice. His disability covers the first quarter of the 21st century, and with it a unique Odyssey of failures, challenges, and changes in healthcare. It is a book that took him 14 years to write and is a path that has led him to a philosophy he calls The White Tower.

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Meet the Author

I’m 39 and I’ve been disabled with chronic migraines for 24 years. My disability started at 15 when the pain became daily. After a decade of daily headaches, I began writing and it took 14 years to finish. The disease is invisible and complex, and the only diagnostic tool is a patient’s voice.

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Early Reader Workbook by Andrea C. McLean (Book Spotlight)

Open a world of wonder for your little learner with this engaging Early Reader Workbook! Designed to spark a love for reading long before pen meets paper, this delightful book builds on your child’s existing vocabulary and uses familiar pictures to bridge the gap between spoken words and their written forms.

Through playful activities, your child will embark on a delightful journey filled with:

  • Connecting Names and Pictures: Familiar objects come alive as children learn to associate their everyday vocabulary with words written on the page. The child no longer just hears the word “car” but now sees and understands “C-A-R.”
  • Upper and Lowercase Adventures: Letter recognition takes center stage! Children embark on a quest to identify both uppercase and lowercase letters, laying the foundation for future reading fluency.
  • Sounds and Letters Unite: The magic of phonics unfolds as children discover how letters connect to form familiar sounds, weaving together the building blocks of words they already know.
  • Coloring and Cutting Fun: Learning extends beyond the page! Coloring vibrant illustrations and carefully cutting out letters not only enhances motor skills but also fosters creativity and color recognition.

This charming workbook is much more than just an alphabet primer. It’s an invitation to embark on a magical journey to discover the world of words. Watch your child’s face light up as they make the remarkable connection between spoken words and their written forms, taking their first step on the exciting path to becoming a lifelong reader.

So, grab your crayons, unleash your inner explorer, and prepare to be spellbound by the wonder of language with this interactive Early Reader Workbook!

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Meet the Author

Andrea C. McLean is a board-certified life, career, and executive coach. She is a global leadership coach and mentor focused on developing women leaders in corporate and university settings. Andrea has a spirit of encouragement and a passion for inspiring others on their journey toward achieving personal transformations. She can be reached at andrea@acmcoachinggroup.com and you can follow @andreacmclean on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn for more inspiration.

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My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One and Act Two by Donna Glass (2 Book Spotlight)

Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have!

In My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act OneI’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.

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As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction, comedy book makes your day a little brighter.

So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.

Content warning: A few adult words are not intended for younger audiences.

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(ACT ONE) Kris ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  I thoroughly enjoyed this act! This book needs to be a real show!! The real life situations and topic make it so relatable!!

(ACT ONE) Adecco Stanton ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I laughed at Donna’s funny stories for an hour or so. This book is beneficial for cheering up and having stories to tell friends. Absolutely recommended reading

(ACT TWO) Nancy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This is what I needed! After being stressed out and working long hours I grabbed this book. It was so good that I didn’t want to put it down. “Pooh Bear has come out of the honeypot tree” This was one of my favorites! I kept remembering and started laughing again…I recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a good laugh! (but be prepared to keep reading until you finish it because it is very good).

(ACT TWO) Jordan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:  This book had me laughing since the very first page. The book is a perfect match for the ones having family. Some of the author’s life incidents were my favorite ones such as :- “Here’s your cake, BITCH” Incident showing their craziness for “Breaking Bad” Series, “YOLANDA” dream , Kitties, and the conversations between them over texts. I highly recommend this book. Hope to read more books from this author.

ACT ONE Purchase Link

ACT TWO Purchase Link




Meet the Author

Donna Glass is an award-winning author who loves to laugh. And, wow, her laugh is boisterous! In her free time, she’s either reading a book or playing a game with the family.

For more information about Donna’s current and future books, follow her social links.

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Sweet Love by Iman Osman (Book Review)

Sweet Love is a compilation of classic desserts handed down from one generation to the next. It is the way Iman’s family connect, sharing and making new memories. The intention behind this book is to revive bonding, love, appreciation, and connection throughout generations of families through the love of baking.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


“Sweet Love is a compilation of classic desserts handed down from one generation to the next. The intention behind this book is to revive bonding, love, appreciation, and connection throughout generations of families through the love of baking.” – Iman Osman

The author’s intent with Sweet Love is to bring her kids and her mother together over our shared love for food, for the timeless desserts that her grandmother has passed down to them. I couldn’t wait to see what seasonal and nonseasonal desserts Iman had shared. 

Iman Osman did not only offer recipes; they also shared tips. For starters, they instructed readers on what to use in place of ghee, how to properly cut and store a vanilla bean, and dividing a cake. As a fan of cooking and baking shows, I’ve seen bakers (professionally and home cooks) attempt to do the perfect split. I haven’t tried it myself, but I think it’s time to try it using Iman’s instructions. 

Iman Osman’s family recipes look divine. Oh, how I wish I could reach inside my laptop and pull out the beaters. I bet the chocolate ganache tasted delicious. 

My family loves raspberry jam, so I know they will be thrilled if they see me making fresh jam for them. With only three ingredients, the recipe will be easy on the wallet. Since I have never made fresh jam before, I appreciated all the “Tips and Tricks” and the storing information. 

The “Linzer Cookie” also looked yummy and activated my sweet tooth. I will have to try it this winter. Thank you, Iman, for the “How to assemble a Linzer Cookie.” You took the guesswork out of the process! 

There are numerous mouth-watering recipes in Sweet Love. Chocolatey, fruity, custards, pudding, biscuits, cheesecake, cookies, nutty—Iman has that and much more! 

This book contained recipes for desserts that I have tried before in my home and through travels. It also had desserts I’ve only seen on television and longed to try, such as “Granita” and “Kunafa.” With Iman’s how-to images, tips, and suggestions, I feel empowered to take them all on. My family will thank you; my waistline, not so much. 

Sweet Love is the perfect book for any time of year. So, grab your apron, and let’s serve something sweet for your family tonight! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! by Robin H. Elisabeth (Book Review)


New! (Revised for 2021)

A unique and joyful children’s picture book! Your child’s day-to-day vocabulary will be broadened through the introduction of words associated with a beach setting. Young learners can review the alphabet, as they read descriptions and see accompanying real-life images. Each alphabet word is presented to help reinforce reading, while the illustrations enhance a child’s imagination to hear the sounds and see the sights. These real-life images target the alphabetic words presented from A to Z. This picture journey will provide an opportunity to create, learn, and share family moments.

Use your imagination to hear the sounds, see the sights, and journey with us to the ocean’s sandy shores to discover an ABC Day at the beach. No matter the day or season, there is something for everyone to see and do on our adventure of ABC fun. We will practice the alphabet, as we explore a treasure chest of educational words. So, give your child an opportunity for vocabulary building, spelling improvement, and fun imagination time! Let’s go!

I set out to write a series of children’s books about ABC adventures with a fun and educational format using real-life pictures. I had my children in mind because when they were learning to read, they were easily bored and extra wiggly. So, getting their attention as youngsters and keeping them still during story time was a HUGE challenge.

I realized that my children needed time to be creative while learning. So, I am adding companion coloring books, flashcards, and workbooks into the series. Who says learning can’t be imaginative and fun? Begin your adventures together and explore a treasure chest of words. My ABC Day series will keep the attention of your child, even the wiggliest of all!


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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Parents are always on the hunt for books to teach or reinforce the alphabet for their youngsters. We seek bright images, fun pictures or illustrations, and familiar ABC objects. Parents and teachers also want to broaden our children’s vocabulary, so we like a book to introduce new words too. My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! by Robin H. Elisabeth checked off all the boxes. 

Before we get to the first page, there’s a page dedicated to personalizing it to your child: “This book belongs to” and “This book is from.” I recall as a child loving to mark my book as mine. It made it more special. I suspect your child will love claiming ownership too. 

My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! isn’t your typical ABC book. It’s not structured where A is for Apple, B is for Boat, and so forth. Each letter has a specific word, emphasized in a red oval with white text and surrounded with bold, black text. Example: Look closely at the sand, and you might find a hermit crab. “Crab” is highlighted in the red oval. All the photos surrounding the specific letter allow imagery of (potentially) unfamiliar words: kayak and oars. Of course, there are many pictures that kids will be pretty familiar with: dump truck, nose, ice cream, and many more. 

Robin H. Elisabeth does NOT highlight every word in each section that begins with a particular letter. For example, “artist” is the word the author wants the child to focus on for the letter A, but you could extend the learning activity easily. Ask your child to find all the letter “A” words on their corresponding pages. Do the same for “B,” “C,” and the rest of the alphabet. For those letters that only have ONE word on the page, ask them what letters they see. 

In the end credits, the author informs readers there are flashcards available on Amazon. They use images straight from the book. Great idea!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

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Robin Elisabeth belongs to a small consortium of authors, editors, actors, and dreamers who bring life to children’s books. They collaborate with non-profits to facilitate grant funding for literacy initiatives. As dedicated artists, they enjoy designing reading activities for children’s education programs and products, including books, workbooks, coloring books, and flashcards.



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