Tag Archives: pre-k

When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around! by Gabriella Fantoccini (Book Review)

Kids should look both ways before crossing the street, but what about when they are actually in the street?

When my daughter was little, she would make a big show out of looking both ways BEFORE crossing the street, but when she was actually in the street, she completely zoned out.

I was concerned that somehow she might wind up in the street one day when I wasn’t around, so I came up with the memory aid, “When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!”

It worked!

Whenever her feet were in the street, she was aware that she had to keep looking around until she safely reached the sidewalk.

“When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!” is a memory aid turned into a SUPER FUN children’s book based on a children’s song I also wrote.

A free download of the song is included with the book.

Have fun singing along with your little ones as you turn the pages, reminding them to look left, look right, look all around!

You can listen to the song and see the lyrics in a video at…


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
“When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!” reinvents the vital life lesson “Look both ways before crossing the street” in a fun way with animal characters to educate and entertain young listeners/readers. Using this phrase on repeat – “When your feet hit the street, you gotta look around.” – in conjunction with darling illustrations created by Geraldine Nunez, kids will learn the proper way to cross a street. 

Since children have personal phones at an early age, this book points out not to text or stare at your cell when your feet step off the curb. It’s good practice not to text and walk in general. Head up is what I tell my kiddos all the time. 

The story also suggests holding an adult’s hand when stepping off the curb and crossing a street. It’s precisely how my family crosses the road. 

“When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!” is a memory aid turned into a SUPER FUN children’s book based on a children’s song Gabriella Fantoccini wrote. Great news – you’ll receive a FREE MP3 Download of the song with every purchase. What a marvelous gift from the author! Now, if you’re wondering if you’re following the right beat, guess no further. Be ready for an earworm because I think you and your family will sing this song a lot! Oh, I’d like to note the lyrics are in the back of the book. 

Amazon’s recommended reading age for When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around! is 3 – 8 years (grade level: preschool – 3); however, I think toddlers might enjoy the catchy tune. Let’s start teaching them street safety at an early age! 

I will recommend this book to my school’s librarian and fellow elementary school parents. It’s a book that should be read often! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author


When my daughter was little, she would make a big show of looking both ways BEFORE crossing the street, BUT when she was actually crossing in the street, she completely zoned out.

I was concerned that somehow she might wind up in the street by herself one day, so I came up with the memory aid, “When Your Feet Hit the Street, You Gotta Look Around!”

It worked! She remembered!

One day, I pulled out my guitar and the phrase became a song, and then eventually the song became this children’s book.

I hope you and your little one(s) stay safe and enjoy the book and the FREE MP3 song download.

And please check out my website at…

Website Link
Reedsy Author Link





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My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! by Robin H. Elisabeth (Book Review)


New! (Revised for 2021)

A unique and joyful children’s picture book! Your child’s day-to-day vocabulary will be broadened through the introduction of words associated with a beach setting. Young learners can review the alphabet, as they read descriptions and see accompanying real-life images. Each alphabet word is presented to help reinforce reading, while the illustrations enhance a child’s imagination to hear the sounds and see the sights. These real-life images target the alphabetic words presented from A to Z. This picture journey will provide an opportunity to create, learn, and share family moments.

Use your imagination to hear the sounds, see the sights, and journey with us to the ocean’s sandy shores to discover an ABC Day at the beach. No matter the day or season, there is something for everyone to see and do on our adventure of ABC fun. We will practice the alphabet, as we explore a treasure chest of educational words. So, give your child an opportunity for vocabulary building, spelling improvement, and fun imagination time! Let’s go!

I set out to write a series of children’s books about ABC adventures with a fun and educational format using real-life pictures. I had my children in mind because when they were learning to read, they were easily bored and extra wiggly. So, getting their attention as youngsters and keeping them still during story time was a HUGE challenge.

I realized that my children needed time to be creative while learning. So, I am adding companion coloring books, flashcards, and workbooks into the series. Who says learning can’t be imaginative and fun? Begin your adventures together and explore a treasure chest of words. My ABC Day series will keep the attention of your child, even the wiggliest of all!


Amazon Purchase Link


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Parents are always on the hunt for books to teach or reinforce the alphabet for their youngsters. We seek bright images, fun pictures or illustrations, and familiar ABC objects. Parents and teachers also want to broaden our children’s vocabulary, so we like a book to introduce new words too. My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! by Robin H. Elisabeth checked off all the boxes. 

Before we get to the first page, there’s a page dedicated to personalizing it to your child: “This book belongs to” and “This book is from.” I recall as a child loving to mark my book as mine. It made it more special. I suspect your child will love claiming ownership too. 

My ABC Day at the Beach: An Ocean of Alphabet Fun! isn’t your typical ABC book. It’s not structured where A is for Apple, B is for Boat, and so forth. Each letter has a specific word, emphasized in a red oval with white text and surrounded with bold, black text. Example: Look closely at the sand, and you might find a hermit crab. “Crab” is highlighted in the red oval. All the photos surrounding the specific letter allow imagery of (potentially) unfamiliar words: kayak and oars. Of course, there are many pictures that kids will be pretty familiar with: dump truck, nose, ice cream, and many more. 

Robin H. Elisabeth does NOT highlight every word in each section that begins with a particular letter. For example, “artist” is the word the author wants the child to focus on for the letter A, but you could extend the learning activity easily. Ask your child to find all the letter “A” words on their corresponding pages. Do the same for “B,” “C,” and the rest of the alphabet. For those letters that only have ONE word on the page, ask them what letters they see. 

In the end credits, the author informs readers there are flashcards available on Amazon. They use images straight from the book. Great idea!


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Robin Elisabeth belongs to a small consortium of authors, editors, actors, and dreamers who bring life to children’s books. They collaborate with non-profits to facilitate grant funding for literacy initiatives. As dedicated artists, they enjoy designing reading activities for children’s education programs and products, including books, workbooks, coloring books, and flashcards.



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