(Ages 3-7), 38 pages
In this enchanting tale of the origins of the Sun and the Moon, the Sun flies across the universe on an adventure to look for someone whose light matches his own. When the Sun Met the Moon is a story filled with so much love, excitement, and equality that you won’t want to put down, and can be told for years to come. After centuries of brightening up the sky by himself, the poor Sun is exhausted, lonely, and in need of some help. So, he decides to search the galaxies for someone whose light is as strong and powerful as his to help him shine down on the people of Earth. When the Sun decides to take a holiday to go on this adventure, Earth is left with its first-ever nighttime where the sky goes dark and cold, leaving people afraid to come out of their homes. Will the Sun be able to find somebody whose light is equal to his? Find out in this gorgeous love story how the Sun met his perfect Moon.
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I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.
I want to begin my review of When the Sun Met the Moon by congratulating Simran Mohinani and Leo Hartas on their sweet, lovely cover. It immediately captured my five-year-old niece’s attention. She adored the smiley faces drawn on the sun and moon.
While I thought the story was cute, her attention remained on the images.
She loved the kitty cat sitting in the window and the stars which lit up the night sky. The sun and the moon kissing made her giggle. Every-single-time. 🙂
Even though she wasn’t too engrossed by the words on the pages, she enjoyed the pictures and wanted to draw a starry scene. I believe in time she’ll be reading me the story.
For now, any book that makes her laugh is a winner in my book. Plus, it inspired her to create a work of art. Another win!
Would I recommend this book? Yes.
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Score: ❤❤❤❤
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Simran Mohinani, otherwise known as Simi Moh, was born on September 8th, 1998. She is a graduate of Northeastern University, studying entrepreneurship with a minor in global fashion. She was born and raised in Hong Kong, and now lives between there, London, and Boston. She first worked for the United Nations with their environmental conservation team before also collaborating with Amazon, Marriott, and Snupps. She published her first trilogy of books comprised of poetry and short stories which are very successful. She now owns and runs three of her own businesses in the fields of consulting, denim supply, and commercial goods. She also has her own charity: The SiMission. After college, she also worked full-time at her family business, which deals with properties in Europe. On the side, she still loves to write, which came to fruition with When the Sun Met the Moon, for your enjoyment and pleasure.
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Tagged as adventure, children's book, Earth, Holidays, kidlit, love, moon, picture book, preschool, review, sun, universe, young readers