Tag Archives: soul

SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery: Simple Tools to Self Love by Veneta Shepherd (Book Review)

We KNOW that our life is short and precious, and yet, we spend most of our time feeling miserable about ourselves.

We’ve been conditioned to hide our true feelings, our very essence from everyone, including ourselves.

We think that we CAN’T love ourselves.

The truth is that we CAN; we just don’t know HOW to do it.

I believe that our main purpose in life is to learn about ourselves, and then share what we’ve learned with others.

We each have a responsibility to define and pursue our own version of a meaningful and fulfilling life through a continuous process of learning to love, accept, and trust ourselves.

SoulQuest is a series of prompts and exercises designed to shift your perspective on how you think and feel about yourself, and shows you how to create simple habits that nurture your spirit.

I am by no means saying “Do things my way.” What I’m hoping to accomplish is to help you trust yourself enough to do things YOUR way.

Ultimately, I want you to stop beating yourself the hell up, because… How’s that working for ya?

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery is a series of prompts and exercises designed to shift your perspective on how you think and feel about yourself. It shows you how to create simple habits that nurture your spirit.

Veneta Shepherd states early on that they are not a therapist. The information and the exercises they’ve gathered are based on personal experience and research. Since a medical expert didn’t write the book, it appeared less clinical and more personal. I found myself tuning in to their words instead of zoning out. Which, we all know, we’ve done in the presence of a white coat issuing their opinion on certain matters. 

SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery covered multiple areas, such as self-love, fears, the importance of watching what you consume, and forgiveness. In each section, prompts (in blue-bolded text) ask you to complete different tasks. For instance, list your accomplishments (especially the small ones). Write down five things you are grateful for in the last 24 hours. Pick your favorite body part and shower it with love all day long. Write down your fears. Give up eating high-carb foods for 30 days and assess how your body feels. For carb lovers like myself, giving up carbs will be a real test of strength.

Each exercise will prove easy for some and hard for others; therefore, everyone will find some aspect of the book that pertains to their lifestyle and life goals. 

There were many affirmations in the book that stood out for me. “Your spirit, your SOUL is MUCH more powerful than your fears could ever be.” “Self love is not about perfection. We are not meant to be perfect. We are meant to love, and learn and grow and share.” And, “When you can allow yourself to BE vulnerable, you also allow yourself to FEEL your inner strength RISING.”

SoulQuest: Your Journey of Self Discovery offers you, the reader, the tools to achieve self-love: the most important love of all. They clearly state that self love is not narcissism. “Narcissist demands to be the center of EVERYTHING, requires constant proof of love and loyalty, and their need is NEVER satisfied.” Self-love is the opposite. “Self love is compassionate, generous, forgiving, honest, and unconditional.” 

When we truly love ourselves, we are then capable of loving others. The writer states, “BEGINNING the process of self love is not as complicated as you might think.” While some may disagree, there’s no harm in trying the exercises highlighted in blue. Remember, there is no such thing as perfect. If you stumble in the process, don’t give up on yourself. Try, try again. Praise your accomplishments, no matter the size. Be kind to yourself. Take responsibility for your OWN happiness and keep reminding yourself you are strong, brave, and deserve happiness. 

Finally, the writer has created a FREE workbook to guide you along your journey. The link is provided on page 3. 

I recommend every reader of my review to take a chance on the self-help book. We all deserve love – from others and (most importantly) from ourselves. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author

I am the oldest of seven, Mom to five (three on the autism spectrum), and Grandma to four (so far). I became a second degree Black Belt at age 51, a widow at age 62, and published my first book at age 66, my second at 68. I treat myself to popcorn every night, and laughter is my love language.

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Verdaderamente Poderoso by Dr. Rosa Romero (Book Spotlight)

Verdaderamente Poderoso by Dr. Rosa Romero
Allow the powerful word of God to transform your life, changing your daily routine through your thoughts and the way you speak. In order to live according to truth and wisdom, you have to learn to reason yourself. With an important and simple message, Verdaderamente Poderoso will help readers find their purpose in life. Identifiable from beginning to end, the book is based on real testimonies that will touch the depths of one’s soul.
For Spanish readers (info taken from the book’s info on Amazon)
Permite que la ponderosa palabra de Dios transforme tu vida, cambiando tu rutina cotidiana atraves de tus pensamientos y tu manera de hablar. Para poder vivir segun la verdad y sabiduria, hay que aprender a razonar uno mismo. Con un mensaje importante y sencillo este libro te ayudara ha encontrar tu proposito en la vida, te identificaras con el de principio a fin, esta basado en testimonios reales que tocaran lo mas profundo de tu alma.
Reconoceras que eres el unico dueno de tu destino y que tienes el poder de reescribir tu historia, que cada crisis, cada reto son para profundizarnos en una intimidad con el creador. Busca dentro de ti hasta encontrar a Dios, el esta en el interior de todas las personas, todo mundo tiene por lo menos un atributo positivo, el cual es visible a todos aquellos con una mente y corazon abiertos.
Rosa Romero una gran mujer de Dios, multifacetica con un doctorado en letras humanas, madre, empresaria, instructora de comestilogia, master coach certificada, Pastor y Profeta que obedeciendo la volunta de Dios junto a su esposo el Pastor Fredy Gonzalez, iniciaron en el 2015 la Iglesia Cristiana Unity Life El Reyno de Dios para las Naciones en el area de Manassas y son ellos mismos quienes continuan al frente de la misma como Ministros Principales.
Buy the Book
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Rosa Romero, is a great woman of God, multifaceted with a doctorate in human letters, mother, businesswoman, ideology instructor, certified master coach, Pastor and Prophet who has been obeying God’s will with her husband Pastor Fredy Gonzales. Since 2015, they have served as Chief Ministers at the Christian Church Unity Life El Reyno de Dios para las Naciones in the Manassas area.

connect with the author: goodreads


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Sand and Shadow by Laurisa White Reyes (Book Review)

Winner of the 2015 Houston Writers House Competition!


Seven Survivors.

One Monster.

Nowhere to hide.

Mission Specialist Adán Fuentes awakes from cryo-hibernation to discover that most of his fellow crewmates are dead and the shuttle Carpathia is not where it’s supposed to be. Surrounded by a vast barren landscape, he and the other survivors wonder how they can accomplish their mission, to establish a home for future colonists.

When an unseen creature attacks them, the Carpathia’s crew must turn their attention to surviving and solving the true purpose behind their mission.

Inspired by the 50’s sci-fi flick FORBIDDEN PLANET, SAND AND SHADOW plumbs the depths of the human psyche and the power of its influence. As the Carpathia’s crew’s secrets and flaws are revealed, readers may find themselves compelled to examine their own dark places.

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Europa, Jupiter’s moon

Zarmina, Gliese 581g

I received a complimentary copy of this book from R&R Book Tours.
I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


What makes Sand and Shadow by Laurisa White Reyes so spectacular is it capitalizes on the possibility and probability certain events in the story can happen. 

Earth is dying. Leading experts are trying to buy us more time, but is it working? And if their efforts aren’t working, would they tell us the truth? Would they disclose how close we are to the end of life on Earth?

See, I do believe it’s probable NASA would be secretive in this knowledge. Humans would go bat-shit crazy if they knew we had so many years…weeks…days…or even hours left. The world would erupt in chaos. 

In the story, life in space wasn’t without major pitfalls. When the astronauts woke up from their cryogenic state, things did not go according to script. When you are exploring or starting over on a new planet, you have to expect the unexpected. The crew members had no way to predict or prepare for what attacked them or what would continually attack them. 

Earth has perished.

Numerous astronauts have died as well. 

But, hope is not lost. 

Recommend: Yes! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤1/2

Kindle Purchase Link
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Bonus material



About the Author:


Laurisa White Reyes is the author of the SCBWI Spark Award winning novel The Storytellers and the Spark Honor recipient Petals. She is also the Senior Editor at Skyrocket Press and an English instructor at College of the Canyons in Southern California.
Laurisa White Reyes | Skyrocket Press | Facebook | BookBub

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