Tag Archives: therapy

Rethinking Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Life with an Autistic Child : How to Identify Early Signs Kindle Edition by Bev A. Lanier (Book Review)

Discover powerful communication strategies to become your child’s strongest ally and advocate. If you’re losing sleep over your child’s behavior or feeling frustrated with the lack of support, this guide is your go-to resource.

As a parent of a child with autism, understanding their unique communication style is crucial. This guide takes you on a transformative journey, starting with observing your child’s cues and delving into their world. Drawing on your own childhood experiences, you’ll realize your innate ability to be their window to the world.

Navigate through the complexities of autism with insights into the three levels, physiological reasons for behavioral challenges, and gender differences in communication. Learn from real-life stories, identify signs of autism, and explore various therapies, including speech, physical, and occupational therapy.

This guide goes beyond therapies, exploring the neurodivergent brain’s magic and providing communication strategies tailored to each autism level. Discover tools for establishing routines, handling challenges, and prioritizing your well-being to avoid burnout.

This guide empowers you to be the expert on your child’s needs, making informed choices that lead to victories and a more purposeful life. Take a breath; help is here for your parenting journey.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.

What is ASD (autism spectrum disorder)? As the author said quite eloquently, “autism” is more than just a label we can assign to people. It is a framework that can guide us through raising these individuals to become the best versions of themselves. 

Even though the first diagnosis occurred in 1943 by Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist, we still have much to understand about the condition. What doctors look for are common tell-tell signs or indicators on the “spectrum”: repetitive behavioral patterns and hyperfocus on interests or activities. The writer breaks down the three levels, which tell us more than just a child’s level of proximity to either end of the spectrum: from functioning independently to those who require assistance with everyday tasks. 

What I learned that fascinated me was more kids are being misdiagnosed with ASD. On the flip side, many kids never get diagnosed with it and should have so they can get proper care. I was also amazed by the number of famous people believed to have autism, such as Jerry Seinfeld (actor and comedian) and Elon Musk. It just shows that sometimes you never know who has autism and who doesn’t. One thing is apparent: you can’t look at a newborn and know they will have ASD or not. However, as a child grows, there are signs that you should be on the lookout for and share with your doctor. Bev A. Lanier (the author) discusses these in Chapter Two: “What to Look For,” alongside possible causes, preparing for evaluation, and what should you expect. I would advise reading this area carefully and possibly more than once. It’s a lot of information to absorb in one sitting. 

As I said earlier, Bev A. Lanier mentions different levels on the autism spectrum. As you read chapter three, you’ll get valuable intel on the lowest level, formerly known as Asperger’s, to level three, where an individual will require substantial support. No matter what “level” you or your loved one lands on, getting a diagnosis from a trained professional, the initial point of treatment, is important, as stated in Chapter 4. Remember, each person is different, so “treatments” must be catered to your or your child’s mind and body. Speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational medicine, non-invasive activities, and meds are tools you must utilize to bring out the best versions of your autistic child. With all that in mind, treatments will change as your child grows older and becomes more independent. I want to note there is more to this subject matter; I am merely touching the tip of the iceberg regarding the information presented.

As you move into Chapter Five, we get a closer look at the brain and how the spectrum shapes it. Okay, this section brings me back to my school days. Lots of science information that I can see people glossing over. I imagine the average person will focus more on treatment options, resources, or the mini stories between each chapter. Bev made a wise choice including the heartwarming tales. Just hearing your child has ASD can strike fear in any parent’s heart, but these stories give glimmers of hope to many parents. Hope that one day their own child will be thriving like David, Sofia, Liam, and the other kids.

There are challenges with having ASD or taking care of someone with ASD. As the author pointed out, it affects language, reaction to stimuli, social interactions, behavior, and how we manage tasks. Parents, as overwhelmed as you might feel, remember you are not alone, and all your feelings regarding the diagnosis are normal. Take the writer’s advice and set time aside for yourself. Do something that you enjoy. Join a support group. Remember, we all need help now and then, so never be afraid to ask for some! 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤

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Meet the Author

As a neurodivergent mom of three neurodivergent children, I am on a journey of understanding, advocacy, and empowerment. My life has been shaped by the diverse neurodiversity in my family, and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. Through my writing, I aim to provide support, guidance, and a sense of community to fellow parents and individuals who are navigating the neurodiverse landscape. Together, we can embrace and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiversity brings to our lives.

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Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump by Cameron Michaels (Book Review)

I couldn’t have run into a bigger jerk. And, of course, he’s loaded with cash and attitude. I’m fine…until I run into him again…and again.

My new client has issues, and my job is to figure them out and fix them. She didn’t tell me that her big brother would become my issue…one I’d have to fix.

Whether I like it or not, I’m going to fall for someone whose first words denigrate my profession.

Fine…it seems like I can make it work. Until his past comes back to take him away.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump is a romantic comedy you can’t help falling in love with and won’t want to see end. 

Natalia and Declan each made the mother of all bad first impressions. In Declan’s defense, he didn’t know Natalia was his sister’s therapist when he said disparaging comments about her profession. She didn’t know he was her next patient’s brother when they butted heads in the elevator. Insults flew, but we all know what that means in a rom-com. Sparks! 

Natalia was drawn to Declan, and it had nothing to do with the size of his bank account. She saw the man behind the fortune. He was kind not only to his baby sister Jillian but also to his employees as well. He had known them since he was a teen, and many current employees had a hand in raising him. He treated them like family because they were. 

Declan was confused about his reaction to the fiery therapist. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and found himself driving past her work, hoping he would catch a glimpse of her. It was one such drive-by that changed their dynamic forever. 

Declan and Natalia found reasons to spend time together. They also found reasons to drift apart. As with any rom-com, there is a pivotal moment when a misunderstanding causes the couple to take a break to think things through. Since Natalia was a therapist, I found it ironic how communication issues caused them to spend weeks apart. 

As you’d expectedly, there was the ah-ha moment when the two lovebirds realized they loved each other and rushed into each other’s arms. Natalia and Declan didn’t have the perfect start, but their ending (scene) was quite sweet. 

As much as I loved this novella, several noticeable editing mistakes occurred. Most readers will overlook the indention errors, but using the wrong character name in dialogue won’t be ignored as easily. It happened once, but reviewers note the small things when critiquing and calculating a score. 

If Mr. Opposite Billionaire Grump were longer, I would’ve liked to see the writer dive more into Declan and Natalia’s family history. The author gave us a glimpse into their separate lives but quickly moved on. Too quickly. 

Cameron Michaels left me wanting more, and that’s the sign of a good story. I look forward to reading more of their books. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: 1/2

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Meet the Author 

As a romance author, I am passionate about crafting stories that capture the intricacies of love and human connection. My writing is characterized by vivid descriptions of emotions and settings, dynamic characters, and captivating plotlines that keep readers engaged from start to finish.

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SURRENDER – How To Break Free From Addiction by Julian Morgan (Book Review)

Do you want to break free of the shackles of alcoholism or addiction? If so, then this is the book for you. Compelling, brave, and strong, ‘Surrender’ tells the true story of how Julian Morgan recovered from crippling alcoholism, and how he stays recovered on a daily basis using a simple, straightforward process. This moving, authentic book details his journey, from his near-fatal struggle with denial, helplessness and anxiety, to a whole new commitment and faith, paving the way to years of sobriety. ‘Surrender’ is no harrowing drinking memoir – it outlines a strong, positive self-care plan for optimum recovery, including tried and tested tools and skills to keep sober, centered and calm. It also offers advice on dealing with triggers and relapses. A sequence of heartfelt and humorous poems offers further explanation and hope. Written from the heart, ‘Surrender’ will open locked doors and show a new path to freedom.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Surrender – How To Break Free From Addiction was born during the first COVID lockdown in the UK when Julian Morgan (the author) watched a documentary featuring interviews with inmates where they were questioned about the underlying root of their incarceration. The majority claimed their predicament was due to alcohol or drug addiction and their helplessness to fight its control over their body. 

Addiction can and will sink its teeth into anyone at any time. It doesn’t care about gender, skin color, social class, or where you call home. Surrender tells the true story of how Julian Morgan recovered from crippling alcoholism and how he stays recovered using a simple, straightforward process that he is now sharing with you.

Part one begins with the author opening up about his struggles with alcohol, everyone’s opinion regarding his drinking, and what led up to his time in rehab. He admitted he pretended to listen in group therapy sessions while secretly counting the hours to another sip of the ambrosia. His life became a recurring cycle of drinking, rehab, withdrawal, release, recovery, and back to drinking, each time more heavily. His addiction and the inability to keep the beast at bay caused an emergency room visit. Many readers who fight battles like Julian can empathize with every emotion the writer felt while lying alone for a week in the hospital. 

Julian had hit rock bottom and was ready for change. He was now prepared to seek help and actively participate in the process. He was all in! The healing process makes you look inwards, acknowledge weaknesses, and find ways to combat them. It’s imperative in the healing process to make amends and find a support system when you graduate from rehab. 

Those who have ever suffered from addiction will agree with Julian’s statement, “Addiction was my life, my daily existence, totally smothering me and dictating whatever I did, wherever I went, and poisoning every person I met.” Like many others, Julian reached out to a higher power to help him battle and control his addiction. However, his journey wouldn’t have been successful without going through rehab, discovering his triggers, setting boundaries, and not ignoring the three stages of relapse: emotional, mental, and physical. 

Relapses can and will happen, and feelings that arise from them can cause many addicts to give up, thinking, “What’s the point?” There might be those around you, family and friends, who feed into your self-doubt, shame, and guilt, causing you to sink further into the abyss. Julian gives sound advice on this situation, “Please do not forget that their opinion has no value at all unless you decide to give it any.”

Addiction will never completely vanish from our society. With that said, Surrender – How To Break Free From Addiction does give addicts the tools and hope that they will reach a stage where their addiction is not controlling their life, but instead, they are controlling it.

If you are suffering or have suffered from any form of addiction, I recommend you read the book. Sometimes seeing other people’s struggles and success propels a person in motion to try what they think is impossible. 

I wish everyone reading this review the best of luck! 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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Meet the Author

I travelled extensively overseas and have had a highly successful career in the security industry. I now concentrate on writing and poetry reflecting my journey with alcohol addiction, as only one in seven people worldwide suffering from alcohol and drug use disorder receive treatment.

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Rose: Future Heart by Jazalyn (Book Review)

A socially underprivileged rose witnesses unpleasant events and behaviors that threaten Her inner peace and is determined to set life and love aside in order to find Her true, pure and moral parts of character.

30 petals of MOOD and STATUS.

A society full of INJUSTICES and UNFAIRNESS.

A ROLE She doesn’t want to play.


A PAST that leads to HATE.


A wishful CHANGE of HEART.

She AROSE and She ROSE.


A FUTURE that should lead to LOVE.

But can there be LOVE?

A dark fantasy magical realism poetic novel that endures urban social issues and inequality, and challenges self esteem, self help, self improvement, self development, healing.

I never knew how to have
I’ve learned to live without love
And I can’t change all of a sudden
Something’s got to happen

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)


Reading Rose: Future Heart was like riding on a merry-go-round that never stops. You go up (I want to love and be loved) and down (love escapes me, no one will ever love me). 

Jazalyn’s poetry speaks of love in different intensities, which usually piggyback on jealousy, tears, pain, feeling of shame and humiliation, and reasons why love eludes them. They speak of not becoming a lover until they find their “perfect fit” (“No Lover”). There is no perfect fit; we all have flaws. You might see these flaws as you date or move in together. Eventually, the imperfections will surface. Saving yourself for perfection is a goal that’ll be difficult to obtain.

The author discusses other reasons they can’t have intimate relations: OCD, mysophobia, and germophobia. I have OCD and am a germophobe, but “mysophobia” was new to me. Upon a quick internet search, I discovered it meant having an extreme or irrational fear of dirt and contamination. They feared disease entering their body. I get that, but unless a person with mysophobia wants a sexless life, they need to seek counseling for this condition.


Favorite poems:

“Entertainment Made Me Love Like That” – People indeed use many forms of creative outlets to help them cope with internal and external pain. I hope writing brings the author comfort and peace. 

“Sleeping Beauty (Life Back)” – I thought it was interesting writing about what’s going on inside the mind of the sleeping beauty. I’ve watched the movie many times, and not once did I stop and wonder what she was thinking or dreaming about. 


Overall impression: The collection was not my cup of tea. I was going to score it two, but upon reflection, I decided to score it based on how it would be received by others who struggle to find or retain love in their life – for those who are looking for their “perfect someone” to make them whole. 


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 

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About the Author

With 150,000+ engagements and 20,000+ followers that grow more and more across 7 social media platforms, Jazalyn is among the most-promising newcomers authors-poets.

Her books have sold in 4 Continents and have been featured on best-seller category-based lists on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon AU. Soon she will expand in every corner of the Earth.

Jazalyn attracts all cultures and traditions with an audience from all walks and stages of life as a consequence of the universal atmosphere that encircles her themes.

Her innovative and versatile writing style stemming from abstraction and absurdness captivates mystery and suspense with words swimming in surrealism and magical realism.

Her imaginative and inventive narration unites the philosophical with the psychological and the scientific elements of both fantasy and fiction that create and solve riddles and puzzles.

In what results as a contemporary genre of cinematic (epic) poetry in slice of life-vignette expression which provokes thinking and eyes new horizons.

Her latest books vViIrRuUsS, Rose, Hollow signify Jazalyn’s transition towards literary magnificence.


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The Art of Traveling Strangers by Zoe Disigny (Book Showcase)


It’s the 1980s, and art historian Claire Markham reels from a series of heartbreaking losses. Desperate to escape her shattered reality, she becomes an art guide in Europe for quirky stranger Viv Chancey and embarks on a life-changing journey through the art-filled cities of Milan, Venice, Ravenna, Florence, Siena, Rome, and Paris.

Once abroad, Claire tries to hide her woes by focusing on Viv’s art education, but Viv—who is not who she seems—has a different learning experience in mind. Frustrated and wanting to reimagine her life, Claire embraces the idea of reality as illusion and finds herself slipping into the tales of art and history.

When threatened with one more crushing loss, Claire must learn from the spirit of her eccentric companion and the lessons from the art they encounter to take charge of her life or lose the most precious thing in it.

The Art of Traveling Strangers is a journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment inspired by the great art masterpieces of Italy and France. It’s a tale of female bonding and the amazing powers of perception. After all, reality, like art, is just an illusion.

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Zoe Disigny holds a master’s degree in art history and has taught at the college level throughout her career. She has led numerous art tours in Europe and established a business in Paris offering art history adventures for American tourists. 
connect with the author: 
website ~ twitter facebook instagram ~ goodreads



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