With the holidays fast approaching, people are busier than ever with work, family, and whatever else tends to pop up. And with that, stress will strike many of us HARD. It raises its ugly head and lets face it, people will become a wee bit cranky. Ok, maybe more than a wee bit.
And why?
Simple. We forget to stop, relax, and be thankful for what we have and not dwell on what we”need”.
So before you step out the door this morning, look around at what you have and think about what others might need. Think how can I help someone in need this holiday.
Folks, if you have the spare cash, buy a gift for a child less fortunate (options available in every area), buy someone’s lunch, pay for their coffee, donate to a cause, etc.
If you are low on funds, there are other ways you can help brighten someone’s else day. Volunteer your time at a shelter/soup kitchen, donate whatever items you can clothes/blankets to a shelter, and so on.
Basically what I am saying is its ok to shop and buy yourself or your loved ones gifts. I do the same. However, remember there are those less fortunate than you so try to help at least one person out this holiday season and maybe they will pay the generosity forward and then it might continue on well past the month of December. *smiling*
See what I am aiming for here? A world where we are spreading MORE LOVE and LESS HATE.
Isn’t that what we all want? It’s my holiday wish.