When you’ve lost it all, how far would you go to get it back?
Bennett Covington has a good life. The support of a loving, growing family. A satisfying job. A roof over his head. Not perfect, but close enough.
Nothing lasts forever, of course. After stumbling into the middle of a back-alley murder, Bennett becomes entangled in a web of violence set in motion by members of a shadowy criminal organization.
Subjected to psychological torment, Bennett struggles to understand the depth of their evil intentions – intentions that threaten to take much more than just his life.
Through it all, one question endures: why have they taken such a keen interest in him? When he runs, they catch him. When he hides, they find him.
The only way out is to fight back.
(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique)
A good mystery novel shouldn’t be easily figured out. It should be orchestrated where each chapter gives you another piece of the puzzle but the whole picture eludes you. Sometimes the piece will fit snugly against a neighboring partner and sometimes you know it has to go there, but no matter how you turn it, it just won’t click into place.
While I was reading Ghosts and presented with the puzzle pieces, I couldn’t get the bigger picture to unveil itself. Was I mad? HELL TO THE NO! I didn’t want a few clicks and boom the show was over. I wanted my brain challenged and Chip definitely made me think. He made me doubt almost everyone, questioning even the good guy’s motives and presented an evil – unsavory – vile character (Poe) who took a licking and kept on ticking… much like Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) and Michael Myers (Halloween). Those two psychopaths wouldn’t stay dead either.
You want a good mystery, then look no further. Ghosts will challenge your mind and keep you hooked until the very end.
Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest)
Score: 1/2
Sounds like a good mystery but I’m a chicken when it comes to those kinds of movies. Lol
Completely understand. Thanks for poppin’ by!