Howdy and welcome to Kam’s Place, Laura M. Baird!
- For those who might not be familiar with you, would you be a dear and tell the readers a little about yourself? How did you get your start in the writing business?
(LMB) I’m Laura M. Baird; wife, mother, former U. S. Army, Dental hygienist, and now, happy to say, published writer. I started writing just before putting myself through hygiene school, twenty years ago. I dabbled over the years, but only within the last 4-5 did I tell myself this is what I want to do! After attending a writer’s conference and being totally energized, I got serious with submissions, and only since August 2017 have I had the fortune of being published. I’ve worked with 4 publishers and as of June 2018, I have eight titles out.
(KAM) You really are a jack of all trades!
- Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, please share how you handle it.
(LMB) I typically have a few stories going at once, so what doesn’t flow for one, I’ll try to pour into another. When I’m stuck all together, I take a break and try not to force it. ‘They’ say to write every day, but sometimes that just doesn’t work. I’ll lose myself in a read or focus on promotion, even jot down ideas that spawn for an entirely new story. Once I get back to it, hopefully I have a fresh perspective.
- Will you please share with the visitors what genre(s) you write? Also, when you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
(LMB) I write romance, with sub-genres of contemporary, erotic, comedy, and suspense. When not working my day job 3 days a week or writing, or focusing on anything to do with writing (such as promotion or motivational books) I’m reading romance, usually while walking on my treadmill if I can’t get outside. Hubby and I also love walks when it’s not raining (I live in the PNW); watching hockey and college football.
After losing her husband of thirty years, Grace, at the age of fifty, thought all she’d ever feel was grief and loneliness. She certainly never thought to feel love again. After being convinced to take the trip of a lifetime, a surprise encounter with Cole has her rethinking her feelings—especially when he ignites a passion unlike anything she’s ever experienced. Will Grace allow herself another chance with this second time love?
- I know many writers, such as myself, keep their pastime/career a secret. Do those close to you know you write? If so, what are their thoughts?
(LMB) Yes, my family and co-workers know I write, and what I write. My sister is my biggest supporter! Many think it’s really great, but few have yet to read my work. (Not that I don’t want them to – I’m proud of what I write.) Even patients are excited for me; several are surprised (and blush) at what I write.
- Will you share with us your all-time favorite authors? If you’re like me, it’s a long list so give us your top ten.
(LMB) Ho, boy… only 10… Nora Roberts started it off for me. Donna Grant, Darynda Jones, Laura Kaye, Rebecca Zanetti, Rachel Grant, Toni Anderson, Kerrigan Byrne, Tiffinie Helmer, and Robyn Peterman.
- If you could choose one book to go to the big screen, yours or otherwise, which book would you choose and whom would you love to see cast in the parts?
(LMB) I would LOVE to see Rebecca Zanetti’s Scorpius Syndrome series go to big screen. The world-building, plot, and characters are just amazing. As for the cast, I’m afraid I could spend hours researching stars and probably not do justice. (Sorry.)
(KAM) I haven’t read the series…. yet.
- Would you care to tell us what you’re working on now? That is if it’s not top-secret information. If so, just whisper it in my ear. I swear it’ll go no further.
(LMB) I’m polishing stories I started a few years ago for NaNoWriMo, about cover models, after seeing Wander Aguiar in action at a writer’s conference. I have two written and a loose outline for at least two more.
(KAM) Best of luck on all your projects!
- Where can we find your stories, and is there a particular reading order?
(LMB) Many of my stories are digital only, with two in print (so far). They can be found at my publisher’s sites under my author name, Laura M. Baird: Evernight Publishing, Black Rose Writing, and The Wild Rose Press, as well as digital retailers: Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and Smashwords. At this time, they can be read in any order. I’m starting a series (several are in the works) but so far only the first book in my New Adventures series has released.
When Special Forces Soldier, Bob meets Becca at his cousin’s weekend party, they share one night of explosive passion. But when Bob’s called away on mission after mission, he wants Becca to have a life instead of waiting on him, and tells her to move on. Shocked and hurt, she does, moving to San Diego to eventually marry and have a son, only to divorce shortly after.
- Would you please share how your present and future fans can contact you?
(LMB) I love engaging, so feel free to email me or stalk me at
- Before we conclude this enlightening interview, do you have anything else you’d like to share? The stage is all yours.
(LMB) I’d just like to thank you for this opportunity to showcase my work and hopefully gain new readers. I look forward to many more years of writing sexy, fun, and thoughtful stories.
Laura, it has been a great pleasure getting to know you. I look forward to reading all your creations. Ladies and gents, keep scrolling below to get a glimpse of Unexpected Adventures, book one in Laura’s New Adventures Series.
Order and routine is introverted Abby’s motto, so when she’s being pushed to step out of her comfort zone, meeting hunky Shaun may be just the catalyst she needs.
Their swift attraction to one another leads to new adventures that include paragliding, tattooing, and, yeah—Abby relinquishing her virginity.
Laugh along with Abby as she discovers how fun it can be to step off her straight line.
After making a sharp turn up a hill, Denise suddenly slams on the brakes, sending me forward into the dash. “What the eff!? You don’t stop on a blind corner!” she yells, glaring at the car in front of us.
I wince at her shrill voice, my arms already aching from bracing myself. “Pretty sure he heard that. How could he not? I, on the other hand, am now deaf in my left ear.”
“Sorry,” Denise said, still looking out the windshield. She lays on the horn. “What a doofus! We’re not that far from Sherri’s.”
“Jeez, calm down. Maybe he’s having a problem. Let me go see what’s up.” I start to open my door when she grabs my arm, startling me.
“No! He could be some deranged person, luring unsuspecting women into a trap!”
“Uh, huh. Watch Dangerous Minds much?” How she could stand to watch shows like that is beyond me. “It’s no wonder you’re paranoid.” I grab my phone out of my bag, reaching for the door handle again. “I’ll be fine. It’s broad daylight. I’ll approach the passenger side and see what’s up. Maybe he needs directions. Or his car is having problems.”
“Well, let him call for help himself. I’m sure he has a phone. Everyone has a phone!”
“Denise, relax. If you hear gunfire, put it in reverse and get the flock outta here.”
“Very funny, Abby. Not! Let me just drive around him. We can call for someone when we get to Sherri’s. Her house is the next one up at the end of the cul-de-sac.”
“Well then, maybe he’s a guest. Call Sherri and see if she’s expecting anyone driving a maroon Honda Civic. I’ll wait, if it makes you feel better.”
“Fine,” she huffs. She puts the car in park then fishes her phone out of her bag.
As Denise is waiting for Sherri to answer, I see the driver open his door and reveal himself. Now I’m starting to get all paranoid thanks to my sis. “What are you doing?” I whisper, knowing full-well he’s going to make his way over to us.
“Uh, Abby, he’s coming for us! What do we do? Sherri?!” She realizes she’s connected. “There’s a guy coming at us! Oh my God!”
“Calm down,” I say without any effect. Denise is getting hysterical, blabbering on the phone while the guy’s walking to my side of the car. “Why my side?” I mumble. “Don’t you always go to the side opposite of traffic?”
“You were going to go to the passenger side!”
“Yeah, well you can’t be too careful,” I say to her. “He doesn’t look menacing,” I now say to myself. No, he doesn’t look menacing at all. In fact, he looks down-right relaxed as I track his casual movement. He’s wearing flip-flops, board shorts, a tank top, and mirrored glasses. Sandy hair blows across his forehead and pearly whites shine from between his luscious lips as they part in a smile.
Why am I thinking his lips are luscious? What is wrong with me? He could very well be a deranged lunatic in disguise.
Somehow, I doubt it with a look like that. A player? Possibly. A lunatic? Nah. One look at those tan, muscular arms and those perfect legs, and I’m convinced. What does he do to stay in shape, I wonder?
I’m barely able to make out what Denise is saying to Sherri when the stranger leans over and raps on my window. I open it just a crack and stupidly reply, “Can I help you?”
The baritone chuckle he emits makes all my short hairs spring to attention and the butterflies in my stomach take flight.
Oh, brother.
We’re locked in a gaze. At least I think we are, even though I can’t see his eyes but I’m trying like heck to stare right through those dang mirrored sun glasses and all I see is my own reflection…
“Okay, thanks Sherri,” I hear Denise say in the calmest of voices. “He’s okay. It’s just her brother.”
I break the stare to look at Denise, then back at the stranger at my window who is apparently ‘just’ Sherri’s brother. I watch as he removes the glasses from his face, still smiling with his perfect lips. My eyes zero in on the iciest of blue eyes I’ve ever seen. And not icy as in cold and calculating, but crystal clear, sharp and focused. Yet somehow warm and soulful. At least … they’re warming me.
I feel my face blush. You’d think I was looking at a movie star.
Well, we are in California…
“Hi. I’m Shaun.”