Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia #3: Two Peas in a Pot! by Ed Kuehnel and Matt Entin (Book Review)

Two Peas in a Pot!

The Wrestletopians have enclosed the Earth in a metal cage, holding the planet hostage until upstart “Galactic Champion of the Universe” Rory Landell will meet the challenge of true champion Manifest Destiny. But where is Rory?

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(review request submitted by Ed Kuehnel for an honest critique)

I absolutely adored issue #1 Date With Destiny. Issue #2 Two Worlds Enter, One Leaves! was pretty good as well. Issue #3 Two Peas in a Pot! was just okay. The artwork was marvelous. The fight scenes and characters were drawn superbly. Matt Entin and Edward Kuehnel did offer up a few comedic moments. I found the Pay-Per-View negotiations between the aliens and the wrestling promoter quite entertaining. The aliens asked for a 70/30 split. Umm, can our money even be converted to their alien currency? 😛 

I’m looking forward to issue #4 Road Games! I want to see Rory in the ring again. Right now, I’m growing impatient waiting for the final showdown! Damn you, Edward and Matt for building such great suspense. 😀


Heart Rating System:

1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 


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The series was co-created and cowritten by Matt Entin and Ed Kuehnel.
They’re on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook as Suspicious Behavior Productions:
Click HERE to purchase the series! 

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