Claire doesn’t know why people are after her, or who she is. Alex is curious why his magic has sensed hers. He is no stranger to taking risks, she knows the risk of letting anyone get close. Those that hunt her don’t care who they hurt as he is about to find out.
~~ Short Teaser ~~
“Who is after you?” he asked as he moved closer, keeping the distance between them constant.
“You are,” her eyes widened as she saw cars pulling up behind the man, blocking that exit of the alley. Hearing the squeal of tires behind her, she turned to see two more doing the same on the other end. People got out of the cars heading her way.
She felt arms around her as the man dropped them both to the ground with him as bullets flew overhead.
“I promise you; I am not the one after you,” she heard him murmur into her ear.
~ Amazon Review ~
Sylvie D. Parris is a product of a large family, good food, bad religion, terrific books and an over active imagination. Sylvie raised three children in the mountains of North Caroline along with an array of cats. She eventually settled in the upstate of South Carolina. Recently widowed, she co-exists with a grey tabby named Miko and a tuxedo wearing kitten named Baffi.
Sylvie started writing doing feature pieces for a local community newspaper, before moving to SC. She then spent two years writing a weekly humor column called Miss Mom for The Spartanburg Spark, a community weblog. That is where she learned how much she loved writing stories. She’s since had a short story, several of poems and two novels published. She enjoys reading, playing MMORGP games, haunting Twitter at 3 A.M. and gardening.
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