A Maiden in the Foxcombe: The Spiregarden Saga Book 1 by Tanya SM Kennedy (Book Review)

Be polite. Be graceful. Be beautiful. Remain safe.

Being a maiden in Spiregarden requires specific traits and Kardin has none of them. Fastly approaching being labeled unmatchable, she faces being sent to the Cell, a prison-like structure where unmatched maidens are left beyond the safety of the walls to protect the rest of society. It is a death sentence for those maidens society has deemed not good enough, and there is nothing she can do about it.

But when she meets Commander Lef of the illustrious Foxcombe, she is offered a glimpse of the freedom she has always wanted. A chance to escape the Cell and to make a difference and all she has to do is face the greatest danger in Spiregarden. Will she be able to aid in learning vital information to protect all of Spiregarden or will she be the lamb to the slaughter?

A Maiden in the Foxcombe is the opening installment in the fantasy adventure series of the Spiregarden Saga. If you like strong women going against tradition, dangerous monsters, and underdog stories, you will love Tanya SM Kennedy’s story of one woman looking for her place in the world.

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 

A Maiden in the Foxcombe: The Spiregarden Saga stressed the capabilities of women. We can do more than cook, clean, and birth babies. We can defend our homes, protect our friends. We can be vital in battle, an ally. 

Even though many characters and society, as a whole, believed a woman’s place was in the home, I was overjoyed not everyone conformed to the ridiculous train of thought. Yes, many played the role out of fear of the neylons. However, Kardin chose freedom over fear, and her monumental decision resulted in a game-changing discovery. 

With A Maiden in the Foxcombe: The Spiregarden Saga being this good, I have incredibly high-hopes the sequel will knock my socks off.

On a side note: During Kardin’s training in the Foxcombe ranks, I kept humming this song…

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤1/2

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Tanya SM Kennedy was born in the wilds of West Virginia where she was raised to be strong, independent, and bull-headed. She spends her free time (any she can find) reading, writing, and taking care of her menagerie. She still lives in the wilds of West Virginia with her family enjoying the solitude.

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