The Adventures of the World Patrol Kids by Ben Goldstein (Book Review)

Strange things are happening in town. Mysterious accidents are occurring at the Recycling Center and hazardous wastes are washing ashore on the beach. When the beaches are closed for the summer due to the dumping of medical waste, the “World Patrol Kids” decide to track down who is responsible.

“The Adventures of the World Patrol Kids” features a multi-ethnic, crime-solving, environmental kids singing and dancing group, (ages 10-14) that take on polluters, climate change, and traffickers in endangered species.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery.  I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


Six brave kids, fourteen years of age and younger, have taken it upon themselves to figure out who’s illegally dumping poisonous chemicals into the ocean. Their mission began after they saw plastic washing ashore during a day at the beach. The trash that flowed in the water and covered the beach was potentially hazardous. Ten-year-old Thoreau was unexpectedly cut by the dangerous plastic and needed medical assistance. 

During a town hall meeting, the citizens had the opportunity to let their voices be heard about the closure and how to fix the contaminated water and beach. Many were angry over the closure and thought fixing the problem was too costly. Some opted to burn the trash than recycle. They didn’t seem to mind that it would cause more harm to the environment. The World Patrol Kids did care, and with a handful of volunteers, they went to clean up the beach. It’s at this point that readers will learn a valuable lesson. Tracey tells her friends in the book and readers at home why you should always cut up the plastic ring supporting soda cans and bottles. After reading the story, I implore you to follow Tracey’s example! 

As the kids band together to find the culprits behind the illegal dumping, lives come into jeopardy: on land and under the sea. We see how far some people will go for money. 

I’m unsure how the team found time to write a song for the WW101 Earth Day Contest, but they did. The event enabled them to attend a special Earth Day Special in Kenya, Africa, where the plot went from pollution to poaching. Poaching is a tremendous problem, so I was glad to see this addressed. Children need to realize that humans are causing harm to the animal population under the sea and on land. Humans are also the only ones who can rectify the disastrous situation.

As your family reads The Adventures of the World Patrol Kids: Kids Can Change the World by Ben Goldstein, you’ll learn the importance of recycling and how the process works. You will see the importance of protecting all animals, endangered or not. Thanks to the World Patrol Kids, you’ll also experience many moments of suspense and learn a new catchy tune.

The messages behind the story are ones that every child should learn. I would recommend this book for elementary school age and older.

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score: ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Ben Goldstein has written, produced, and directed, books, songs, films, and audio and video productions for such companies as Sesame Street, Jim Henson, Holt Rhinehart, Nelvana, CBS, and Scholastic. He has written for licensed characters, Clifford the Dog, Snuggle the Bear, and Rainbow Brite.

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