That’s Not a Hat! by Marti Fuerst (Book Review)


It’s time to run errands, but Daddy has lost his hat! He tries to find a new hat at each of the stores the family visits, but he can’t seem to get it right.

Predictable and repetitive text makes That’s Not a Hat! accessible and engaging for emerging readers. Simple and colorful illustrations reminiscent of mid-century modern children’s books are sure to make this a favorite.

Grade Reader: PreK – 3

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(review request submitted by the author for an honest critique) 


We’ve all probably heard the saying, “A parent’s job is never done.” It’s true. Cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, tending to animals, and chauffeuring kids to playdates and practices are just a drop in the bucket of activities that keep parents go…go…going. The dad in this adorable children’s book is having one heckuva busy day, running errand after errand. He does it all with a smile and a funny attitude. 

At the grocery store, he places a bundle of bananas on his head. He set the most unusual sea animal at the pet shop on his head. An octopus! I hope he didn’t feel the octopus’s beak! The trio visited the hardware store, garden center, bakery, and haberdasher. Each pitstop gives children a reason to smile. 

After the finale, the author highlighted a variety of hats. The collage includes familiar hat names like pirate, baseball, and wizard. I was impressed with the lesser-known hat titles; at least they were lesser known to me: sou’wester, slouch, and pork pie. There were twenty-eight hats in total. There would be plenty of more to list during discussion time. 

The delightful children’s book has simple, repetitive text. It would make an excellent book for young readers to practice skills on. For non-solo readers, the repetitive action will encourage their participation as well. 

I recommend That’s Not My Hat! to children two years through third grade. It blends new and familiar words. FYI: Haberdasher is one of the new words, but picture clues should help older kids decipher its meaning. The illustrations are fantastic! The story as a whole is outstanding!

Get your copy today! 

Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤❤❤

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Meet the Author

Marti Fuerst is a former librarian and English/Language arts teacher, artist, technical writer, and author of That’s Not a Hat! Marti has been drawing since she could first hold a pencil. One of her earliest works (permanent marker on drywall) is still on display on the wall of her childhood home. She loves history, the mildly spooky, making art, and goofing around with her kids. She also has an interesting collection of hats. Marti lives with her family in New Hampshire.
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One Response to That’s Not a Hat! by Marti Fuerst (Book Review)

  1. Barbara

    HA! I love the cover!

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