The Ghastly Mr Denton and the Handsome Miss Jane by D.L Richards (Book Spotlight)


The town of Dolton, surely voted the country’s most mundane. The townsfolk herded about their days, lives cemented in tradition and a rigid social hierarchy – in which the top tier could be defined in a word: ostentatious. Their importance did not permit the acknowledgement of plebeians, who they generally agreed were more animal than civilised. Until the arrival of Mr Denton, that is. His barbaric display at the Dolton Women’s Club ignites Miss Jane’s long-dormant rebellious spirit – while utterly humiliating the avaricious widow Ms Greer.

Will his questionable behaviour lead to an uprising – or leave Dolton devastated.

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Her eyes settled on a newspaper left on a nearby side table. The headline had been the talk of the town.

‘Such an audacious plan,’ Miss Jane baited.

Raising an eyebrow, he paused his treatment.

‘Pardon, Miss?’

‘The two thieves caught with close to ten thousand pounds from the Dolton Bank,’ Miss Jane nodded at the newspaper.

‘Audacious?’ Mr Adams grinned. ‘In my opinion, a remarkably overcomplicated heist for so little a prize.’

‘A rather dubious response. Have you experience in theft, Mr Adams? You believe one can casually rob a bank by walking in and out?’

‘Does this look like the face of a felon?’ he teased with a smile. ‘I’m afraid my life rather dull for such adventures. Though I believe it would make for an exhilarating career.’

‘Career? I fail to see how felony could be classed as an occupation or considered exhilarating, Mr Adams. Though were it your chosen career, I have no doubt it would be rather fleeting.’

‘You offend me, Miss Jane. The most straightforward ideas are often the best. And do not tell me you have never been tempted to pocket an item secretly while perusing a store or market.’

‘Perhaps as a child, Mr Adams. As an adult and a law-abiding citizen, I am perfectly able to obtain items through legal means. Might I add, I believe one finds greater happiness from the satisfaction of exercising self-control than succumbing to temptation.’

‘Must one not first taste temptation in order to induce self-control?’

 ‘A fool’s reply.’

‘Then a fool stands before you.’


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Meet the Author

When not deftly dodging venomous spiders or outwitting the cunning drop bear, D.L. Richards can be found escaping reality through short story crafting. Residing in the mythical land of Australia, where kangaroos casually hop down the streets, D.L draws endless inspiration from the whimsical world that surrounds him. His debut novelette, The Ghastly Mr Denton and the Handsome Miss Jane, was published in 2023.

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