The Grumpy Growly Tree (Stories With Heart Book 3) by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

The animals in the forest are scared of the Grumpy, Growly Tree. The other trees are growing as far away as be. But is there more to Grumpy than what they see?

Join the forest animals in their daily adventures and follow along as they learn that sometimes things are not always as they seem. In a story that reminds us that even the smallest acts of kindness can sometimes make the biggest difference.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery. I voluntarily chose to read and post an honest review.


The Grumpy Growly Tree, the third book in the “Stories with Heart” series, is a heartfelt story about the power of love, kindness, and acceptance. 

Grumpy was a sad and lonely tree whose face reflected these feelings. Other trees and many animals reacted unfavorably when they saw Grumpy’s droopy facial features. His forest companions either kept their distance from him or fled in fright. Grumpy’s fellow trees and nine animal visitors never stopped to ask if he was okay. Why did he look so sad? Thankfully, one adorable forest animal didn’t dash away in fright. Instead, this sweet animal stopped and talked to Grumpy, and in doing so, they discovered Grumpy was not grumpy at all; the tree was sad and lonely, and they only wanted someone to love them. (I kept the animal’s name a secret on purpose.) 

In real life, people are judged for looking, acting, or speaking differently from what their peers consider “normal.” Often, it is for the color of their skin. Sometimes, we look at someone’s facial expression and decide to keep a safe distance from them. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of such judgments, you’ll empathize with the sad tree in this story.

The Grumpy Growly Tree beautifully demonstrates the power of kindness. It proves that one act, big or small, can profoundly affect a person’s life. It can lift spirits, give hope, and give a person a reason to smile. The cute animal in the story caused all three effects on the initially grouchy-looking tree. I must say, the artist made the cutest sad tree ever! I loved his big nose and expressive eyes. The illustrated “a light of love so bright” page and all the glowing drawings after that made my face light up, much like the tree.

I adored the children’s book’s positive underlying messages: We all deserve love and should treat others how we want to be treated: with kindness and acceptance!

I recommend this wonderful story to children 3- 7 years.


Heart Rating System:
1 (lowest) and 5 (highest) 
Score:  ❤❤

Amazon Purchase Link



Meet the Author 

Debi K Fraser is the author of the Stories With Heart series of children’s picture books.

Her love of stories and the characters that inhabit them has been with her since she was old enough to hold a book. As a child she could often be found with a pile of cucumber sandwiches and any number of books containing dragons, witches and magical adventures. Her passion for creating her own naturally followed.

Although Debi is from New Zealand, she currently lives in Quebec, Canada with her two sons and her two dogs. She loves being out in nature and can often be found walking her dogs through the forest, where for her, magic and inspiration live. Stories dance their way into Debi’s imagination morning, noon and night.

But mostly in the forest.

Reedsy Author Link



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One Response to The Grumpy Growly Tree (Stories With Heart Book 3) by Debi K Fraser (Book Review)

  1. Connie

    Very cute book cover

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